
第六題我理解錯了嗎 被懲罰不是嗎😂

有呈 ] the Mrs- etip ping ne 10 生 4 4語 14 1 16 4表 18 19 20 精選考題 The term 捉 3 1 uman 上lesh Search Engine was originally coined in 2001 to deseribe “a seareh that waSs human i 菇 n-powered rather than Computer-driven.”Because of the convenient and 和 蘭CO nature of information sharing in cyberspace, the Human Flesh Search is often used to 1 information usually difficult or impossibl to find by other 生 Over the years, the Human Flesh Search was repeatedly ded, sometimes 2 才 同 人 against Socially unacceptable behaviors, Such as political corruption,。 extramarital affairs Or animal cruelties。 Individuals on the receiving end often have their real-life identities or private informafion 3 public, and can be subjected to harassment. One ofthe first notorious cases ofhuman flesh research involved the search for a taxi driver who allegedly __4 his car Window to spit on an elderly homeless person lying on the street. Witnesses recor jed the first feW digits of the spitter”S number plate and publicized the incident. Thousands 0f net光then banded together online to : Wo si 了0 the 5人5 Or. Hours later, they Zeroed in on a young man Whose number 交e was a partial match, and vowed to see him 6 - Ever since then, the young man was bombarded With 發 hraS ing calls from perfect strangersS, Some OfE22島三 r attentilon on a single person, some me “flesh- Ps施 >” cyberbullying Qn 蟬 jmaSeSG1@ 全全全3全US 生8 ing tareets Drivacy and f internet unfairly_ 號 由 和 person's INu 以 Last_ month a Chinese offieial im charge 0 su和人 state the government would go to ahy 一 9 __tostopb this kind ofcyberviolence- even 同 點謂 kill him. When so many strangers focus thel 入 too far and make 7 議 1和 10 (twice before embarkin r To avoid legal 阱全放 1s 說 every Web user 一 呈 jine moral crusade。 生 on the so 只戰 on Ine Go4cYo) , ? 了Yee (D) construct 章 同 必
9加有 20 0 Nz 二 ( Sex 2 ~ @DUGY 寢 人 和 1bility, it is i 一pts Kind ot cyberviolenee. void legal responsSlbility, it is lmper 對了 uu JSer 10 twice before embarking ie so-called online moral cruSade, 性 一 (104CYC) (0)品 2 (C) ensure (D) construct (A) fuel (B) fuels ru 還二誠 (A) make (B) makes (C) making (D) made (A) rolled down (B) opened up 財 (C) took 0任 (D) moved away (A) trace back 形頃 (B) track down 馬等. (C) thread through 瘓汗_(D) throw back (A) punish (B) punishes (C) punished _(D) bepunished (A) them (B) those (C) which (D) (A) violating 轉太 (B) erasing 度給 (0 observing (D) ~ (A) horizon悶M取(B) distance (@ 遇 月段. 全 / (A) think (B) thinks (C) tothink 合 漏字 U 說 繹 3 人 精選考題 BCDAB CD 設 聘起 綜合版課文克 mt 楊陽英文 高 | 全上半疚


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

感官動詞後面被動直接寫p.p就好,不需要be動詞。然後go to any length(s)是用盡全力去做重要的事

