


英文 高中


2. 3. 4. 乃 jumping up and down. (Atoo; to (B) so; that (C) such; that (D) enough; to Eric took a walk in the neighborhood, he bumped into one of his former classmates. (A) As (B) Which (C) That (D) What ) I'll have a busy schedule tomorrow. If you need to reach me, I at this time A tomorrow, which means I'll not be available. (A) will have a meeting (B) am having a meeting would be holding a meeting (D) will be having a meeting ) Having a sense of responsibility makes Jack (A) to be a great class leader (B) a great class leader being a great class leader (D) as a great class leader 三、綜合測驗 1. In 1843, Henry Cole was a popular man. However, this popularity was causing him some trouble. Specifically, he received a lot of mail, sometimes so much that he didn't know (1)___ to reply to all of it in his free time. To solve this problem, he hired an artist named J. C. Horsley to draw a family____(2)____ was celebrating Christmas and then had this image printed one thousand times on postcards. On each card, there was also space to write a person's name and a short message. This is how the first commercial Christmas card was born. Did Cole know that Christmas cards would _(3)___ sit over the fireplaces* in so many houses? Probably not, but his friends quickly _(4)___ Christmas cards an annual tradition. Fast forward to 1873, and a man named Louis Prang had succeeded in making Christmas cards popular throughout the US. The front side of each of Prang's cards read "Merry Christmas, accompanied by an image of beautiful flowers or animals. In the late 1880s, many card companies were competing in 1915. when the Hall

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英文 高中


II、綜合測驗 (1)__ a long 1. I'm a plastic bag. After I was born, I was sent from the factory to a shop. I waited time, until finally some kids took me to a beach. When it was (2)__ dark they left, but they forgot me! Then the wind ___(3)____ blew me into the sea. I floated around, but I wasn't alone. I had many plastic friends there! Then I went down a dark tunnel into a chamber. A fork (4)__ me told me that we were inside a fish. This fish swallowed more and more plastic things ___(5)__ it died. After its body decomposed, I was back in the ocean. (6) a wave threw me up onto the shore. Later, a student picked me up with a ____(7)____ of tongs. Before I knew it, I was inside an even bigger plastic bag. I heard a teacher say that plastic products often ____(8)____ in the ocean. The poisonous substances released by them can even harm people. _(9)____ the plastic bottle beside me, they are going to take us to a recycling factory. How strange! These humans produce us in order to ___(10)__ their lives better, and then misuse us. I hope that my next owner knows how to use me properly! ( C )) (1) (C) for (1) (2) (B) on (B) making (B) suddenly (C) keeping (C) actually (C) as well as (B) next to (B) while (B) Day by day (B) herd (C) when (C) Long before (C) pair (B) turn into (C) turn out (B) In addition to (C) According to (B) lead (C) get simple. You place recyclable things inside a bin. A few months later, they (A) to (A) leaving (A) wonderfully (A) far away (A) after (A) One day (A) sheet (A) end up ) (9) (A) That is (A) (10) (A) make dis () (3) () (4) (√) (5) () (6) (C) (7) (A) (8) cr R (D) at (D) turning (D) amazingly (D) by the way (D) until (D) From time to time (D) flock (D) pass out (D) Even though (D) trust

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英文 高中


43 46ool vislil teom indixon 21 brodwogezang out of quibroso A M Situated off the coast of Tanzania and washed by the warm, clean waters of the Indian Ocean Zanzibar is a tropical archipelago comprised of several scattered islands. This popular beach people know that in the past, control of Zanzibar meant access to unimaginable wealth destination is now famous for its white sand beaches, slender palms, and turquoise seas. But few From ancient times, Zanzibar has been a trading hotspot, thanks to its location on the trade route between Arabia and Africa. Traders from Asia had already visited the islands 900 years before the arrival of its first permanent settlers from the African mainland (around 1000 AD). In the 8 century, Persian merchants built settlements here, which grew over the next four centuries into their trading posts. Between the 12th and 15th centuries, trade increased between Arabia, Persia, and Zanzibar, bringing the archipelago both wealth and power. During the Age of Exploration, commerce in Zanzibar quickly boomed, largely due to the rise of the spice trade. At the close of the 15th century, Europeans' craze for spices gave rise to the Spice Route, a network of sea lanes joining Europe with the Far East, where most spices came from. In 1498, Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama made the first sea voyage to India, via the southernmost tip of Africa. In 1499, he arrived at Zanzibar, an archipelago sitting at the crossroads of the Spice Route The islands soon attracted traders from different lands. Hundreds of ships sailing the Spice Route docked here, bringing spices and goods for transaction, and Zanzibar became one of the biggest trading centers in the world. im wolldr MoldW 24 Since the 16th century, Zanzibar has come under the rule of the Portuguese, the Arabians, and then the British, each leaving a mark on the place. The paths of various religions also crossed here: Muslims have lived peacefully with Christians and Buddhists on the islands for centuries. The unique cultural intersections, scented with the aroma of cloves, vanilla, and cinnamon floating in the air, give these jewels on the li Indian Ocean an amazing charm that goes far beyond tropical beach fun. 2b60122019 alaog anomalie abnolaî (A) Mineiton bu 43. Which of the following is true about the earliest traders in Zanzibar?bsler (8) Lembiar ogslegirlons (0) (A) The earliest traders arrived around 900 AD. (B) Most of the earliest merchants came from Africa. emise ogulsquitone (CI) (C) Asian merchants arrived centuries before the African settlers. (D) Traders from Persia settled down permanently around 1000 AD. 12 年 學測

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