


英文 高中

想要請問第19題!我的理解是SBS造成這些病症…繼而有多少多少比例的人死掉或永久性傷害。為什麼選in fact 比較適當呢?謝謝!🙏🏼

第16至20題為題組) 2qizzog (0) 2191291 (8) 16. When frustrated parents lose control, they sometimes make the mistake JUIC Dievas fo Being the parent of a young baby is hard. You often need to deal with the stressful job of making your baby of shaking their babies. NEVER shake a baby! This can lead to Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). A baby's head and neck are 17 and shaking can easily tear blood vessels that go to the brain. While the baby may have no obvious signs of injury after being shaken, they could have 18 damage. Babies under one year old are at the greatest risk of injury from shaking. SBS can cause brain injury, blindness, hearing loss, learning and behavior problems, and death. 19 quarter of SBS victims die, and 80% of survivors have p THETISH DEED-MISTO Soin usinsigenti (19 -) one- Sargeral 201 shibe dig menol If your baby is crying and you're getting upset, put the baby in a safe place like a crib. Walk away for a while you can relax and have some time alone. You can also ask a family member or trusted friend for help. SBS can be completely avoided with patience and support from 20 others. Shifto villsup b siuloads (0) 16. (A) to stop crying 17. (A) mature 18. (A) internal ST (1) 19. (A) At once 20. (A) so thatool ora as A snutnovba (C) insillind (O) (B) to stop to (B) delicate permanent damage. lastendo (8) cry (C) stop to cry Taid oeusd. (C) magical (C) plentiful matism (8) (C) At times (B) digital dos (3) (B) In turn (B) whenever 200 bed 2 (C) as though sle(D) unless 12 Tognuoy Tad at theroftib SM.QL sonsbivs (8) Vegra (A) sonbizixe (3) 2022 妙妙 第4回-2 daug is of 29200 un ej200 (20 slimog (A) (D) stop crying (D) humble (D) worthy (D) In fact IAC (A)

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英文 高中


III. 綜合測驗:20% from the brothiquobis juoda sun ei gniwollot od to doid W It was a beautiful summer day in Barcelona. My dad and I had just sat down in the stands w the gun 16. off. The man in front of us said it was the 400m semifinal. "Keep an eye on the runner in lane five," said the guy next to him. "He's one of the fastest 400m athletes in the world." H (3) 17. a second or two, our eyes were resting on that runner. It certainly looked like he had a good chance 18. among the top three. He was a picture of strength and speed, and he seemed to be slightly in front of the others. "They're going to have to 19. to beat him," I thought to myself.750 (A) 20.___, disaster struck. The runner in lane five, who had down. He was holding his leg and was clearly 21. with great success, started to slow 22. ground. However, he somehow got to his feet and tried to continue. It felt like everything was happening in Eventually, he stopped completely and 23. to the od 01 slow motion. () 20. (A) Fortunately (A) 21. (A) taken off (C) 22. (A) in detail (3) 23. (A) realized A ) 24. (A) supporting ) 25. (A) to lose him. Despite 25. Moments later, his father was by his side, 24. the runner kept going and finished the race with his father's help. As they crossed the finish line together, all hope of winning the race, Dad's hand was firmly in mine. A) 16. (A) gone (C) 17. (A) Across () 18. (A) by finishing A3) 19. (A) struggle (B) went (B) Under (B) to be finished told • 21(B) cheer 19mmu? (B) Suddenly come across (C) goes (C) Within (C) that finished (C) admire dire (C) Similarly (C) gone through s when we heard (B) come a (B) in fact od etab.is (C) in pain set ni (B) collapsed now sissCrushedisqe bra (B) supported (C) (C) supports (B) lose (C) losing (D) go (D) From (D) of finishing (D) support (D) Firstly (D) passed away (D) VISO COME mes it oil) in case vio Jedi u replied diod isdi (D) support bois (D) lost auguA-TS vlul

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