


英文 高中


(D) 3. The smell of freshly-baked cookies filled the room. It was hard for the little boy to the desire to reach out for one. (B) resist (D) import (A) 4. If you get lost in the woods, follow the (A) offer (C) deliver that runs along the river, and you will quickly find your way back to the town. (A) trail (B) flavor (C) seal (D) reserve (D) 5. Although it is often classified as a vegetable, the tomato is a fruit because it develops from a flower. (A) widely (C) mistakenly (B) necessarily (D) technically ''A'' fries go perfectly with a juicy burger. They are hard ) 6. Golden and delicious, these on the outside but very soft on the inside. (A) rocky (C) crispy 二、文意選填(25%) Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? It's a ___(7)___ that carries on. However, there's no question about its ability to (8)_ the flavor of foods it's added to. It makes sauces and salads better, and is also a healthy snack. When ripe, a tomato is super juicy. Historical studies (9) that tomatoes weren't always as well loved as they are these days. Tomatoes are(10)__ to South America, and they started being shipped to Europe in the 16th century. There, it was thought that tomatoes had been the (11) of several aristocrats' deaths. The acid in the tomatoes drew the lead in the plates out, which killed those eating from them. (B) lively (D) negative (A) reveal (B) debate (C) deepen (D) cause (E) native Answers: 7. (A)8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (E) 11. D) 三、閱讀測驗(21%) San Diego is a beautiful city. Located on the west coast of the United States, it has over 1.3 million people living in it. It's the second largest city in California. Known to many as "America's Finest City," it offers nice weather and a relaxed way of life. There are many places to visit in San Diego, but few are better for getting a feel for the city's culture than Balboa Park. It's a big 1,200-acre park designed like a Spanish village. It has museums, exhibition spaces, and gardens. The San Diego Zoo is found within the park. It features more than 14,000 animals from around the world. If you are a history lover, go to Old Town. It has old buildings from the 1800s and lots of shops and restaurants. Old Town was the first European settlement in the state of California and is considered the birthplace of the state. (C) 12. What is the purpose of this passage? (5%) (A) To introduce a travel spot. (A) 13. (B) To explain the history of a city. (C) To suggest a full-day tour in a park. (D) To change people's opinions about San Diego. 13. According to the passage, which of the following is true? (6%) 1 2 14. Write T (True) or F (False) next to each statement based on the passage above. (10%) Live B2-2 (A) Balboa Park was established in the 1800s. (B) Balboa Park is like a town within a city. (C) The San Diego Zoo is right next to Balboa Park. (D) Old Town is why San Diego got its name as "America's Finest City." There are many people living in San Diego. The city's population is listed as being over 1.3 million. San Diego is the largest city in California and the second largest on the west coast of the United States. Balboa Park is a 1,200-acre park designed like an American village. It's where people can get to know San Diego's culture. The San Diego Zoo is located inside Balboa Park. It houses over 14,000 animals from different parts of the world. Old Town is where people can expect to see buildings that are over 200 years old. 5 四、中譯英 (24%) 15.患有憂鬱症的人可能會每天無緣無故地感 到悲傷,容易獨自哭泣。 Those who s with depression may feel sad for no reason and tend to cry alone on a daily basis. 16. 隊員們把表現不佳怪罪於雨天,卻忽視了 自己練習不夠的事實。 The team members b blame the rainy weather for their poor performance while overlooking the fact that they didn't practice enough. 17. 這家商店的經理注意到上個月的銷售額有 所下降,這表示許多顧客可能已轉向網路 O The store manager noticed a decrease in sales last month, which suggests that a n customers may have switched to online shopping.

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英文 高中

請問為什麼是Penthouse 而不是Loft呢?謝謝!

Welcome to Puss' Pet Hotel, world-class cat accommodation in the Dreamvalley metropolitan area. Our guests benefit from trusted and professional care. Our qualified staff have exceptional skills, knowledge and a genuine love of cats. Your pet's safety, comfort and wellbeing are our highest priority. Cat Boarding We know that cats can be a little precious about their living arrangements and require absolute purrfection. That's why Puss' Pet Hotel offers two types of climate-controlled, spacious, clean and comfortable cat accommodation. Our Loft Condo offers a private litter box and secluded sleeping area with soothing music to ensure your special feline enjoys cozy comfort and privacy. Our Penthouse Condo offers two-story accommodation, providing your distinguished kitty with plenty of room to stretch out and explore its home-away-from-home. Loft Condo Penthouse Condo Standard Nightly Rates $20 / night, with each additional cat sharing the same condo costing an additional $5 / night $30/night, with each additional cat sharing the same condo costing an additional $10/night We offer a 20% discount for pets boarding ten plus nights at our hotel. (D) Smuage will rest in www vy vuiti cats 38. Please look at the calendar below. Alex's two cats will stay in the hotel in the coming month. They will check in on Oct. 8 and leave on the morning of Oct. 19. Alex wants to settle his two cats in one condo, but also wants to give them separate space. Which condo is he most likely to choose and how much is the boarding fee? (A) Loft, $220. (B Loft, $275. (C) Penthouse, $352.) Penthouse, $440. Oct. Wed. 275 ros 8p Sun. 3 ✓ 10 17 24 31 Mon. Tue. 4 ✓ 11 18 25 5 √12 19 26 Thu. Fri. 1 7 V8 V15 22 29 6 v 13 √14 20 27 41128 Sat. 2 9 N16 23 30 V

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英文 高中

想問一些學長姐們英文作文以及自學規劃的問題 關於英文作文,想要請教一些小技巧,以及實際遇到的障礙,我知道網路上有很多相關貼文,但想想還是問目前在學又或經驗豐富的各位較為妥帖。 一些單詞要使用較高級詞彙嘛,還是說基本單詞再加上一些即可,目前升高一,還在背單字,補習班要求的自介... 繼續閱讀

語 aut HED 評 成 績 是本 ^ 持之以 家姊 小練君完成 宗成 夏 學習完量詞及基礎詞語規劃 在空間时动隨時 目標能在開得到兩 小單元 ^ 檻易 系十分 上泉 用自學英 ASH HE 1 西 底 7 柜 。 1 M > NH 到 D .. fil 。 ›D 啊 規提 HAD > ^ ① 不 HON/ 更重要的是堅持 期望 也透過程式 天最少 147 ^ alt 啟個 > - 將 1 本人 大 完 此 使迅 CNV LAD 国内 小單元内分 以半戲模式散 度模擬杨園環境 lino HAD 力 44 > 胆曰練習退 及模 未 内建錯 單元學 + H 日式 V 1110 錯 起求學 使 有著積分制 用户費教學 野更加贸 也能製造特殊 學間有助 f 149 在 11.C E J 軟 校多 obi 園鄰 1110 7 剛」 HF10 司都是古 基本了解 【文限 300字左右】 請選擇其中一項主題,寫一篇短文介紹你的學習規畫。內容須包含選擇此一主題的原因,及對主題的 樣看來選擇使 易 結及地球村 未建造良的芳便; 人智慧結晶 15+15+HI 現代 朋友 不知 大 體不 15 ₂ 以即時 聽時 1 境挑 的 €1 His 所影也不為 > 「戰 1 脈 活知 與 視 O 。 |||ND| r 人 |"1 Et 三 遇那 7 CHY T 在生 NAD ON F 而 分 塔都 烈 2 2 多 1 LE 門 FIND 7

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英文 高中


第 21 至 25 題為題組ysqlinet has abrisit SaodT Staldo Him deas Do you still remember Imhotep, a character referred to as an evil priest in the once blockbuster The Mummy? The movie was released in 1999, written and directed by Stephen Sommers,___21___ Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. Actually, the real Imhotep and what he contributed to Egypt are__22__your imagination. ( For over two hundred years, _23___ have been searching for the tomb of Imhotep, who lived during the reigns of Pharaoh Khasekhem and Pharaoh Djoser. ___24_ as a vizier to Pharaoh, as well as a head architect, priest of Ptah (god of craftsmen), astrologist and skilled sculptor, Imhotep designed the first step pyramid in Saqqara. In the society of ancient Egypt, Imhotep was highly respected for his achievements 25 from arts, science, politics, and also religion. He perfected the way of mummification on the basis of his resourceful knowledge to anthropotomy, then developing ni amlit ni yliveed læsvni of amazing medical skills. What's more, he conducted the first brain operation in history. 21. (A) starred 饰演 ho stars bvsiv e'consibus 22. beneath (B) stared (B) behind (B) archeologists (D) who (D) between-ovil" Tofto of tigil baiw Dist (D) physicists (B) To serve FOR 18 Vel lo (D) Served (D) filling B23. (A) biologists D 24. (A) Serve B 23/65 boinlucane ard alloure oeln squado erros sma2 25. (A) judging (B) covering e'nonna su bus wint mi visas auten (C) starring (C) beyond (C) anatomists___SA illet (C) Serving pivom vured ad (C) depending 0105 oqall how ili dguodt nova Ja noilivsq mwisT

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英文 高中

想請問紅色括弧那句的意思是什麼 以及第一題怎麼判別

A Unit 1 8 Environment The Melting Ice Caps The world's ice is melting, and it is happening at an alarming speed, rate, 3 Global warming has been increasing at a very unsustainable² and the polar ice caps have been vanishing³ before our eyes. In the 55 years between 1961 and 2016, the Earth's total ice loss amounted to an estimated nine trillion³ tons. The start of the 21st century bore witness to several profound decreases in terms of the area covered annually by Arctic ice. The year 2012 was the lowest on record, while 2007, 2016, and 2019 were tied for second-lowest. 10 As the ice melts, an excessive amount of melted water emerges from it. This large amount of melted water manifests itself as a rise in sea levels. (This rise leads to the increased erosion -or wearing away- of the coast. When combined with the higher frequency of ecological" disasters¹2, it results in a bigger storm surge¹3. Climate change threatens¹4 15 to forever change the way we live. We're all destined ¹5 to be affected by it. Ver all destined 閱讀理解,請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 1 What does the word "erosion" refer to in the second paragraph? (A) The reason behind the frequent typhoons (B) The rapid increase in storm surges (e) The slow destruction of something 破壞 (D) The depressing future that we all face 2 Which of the charts below might indicate the situation described in the first paragraph? (A) (B) A (C) Arctic Ice Levels 1.||| 2007 2012 2016 2019 2020 Arctic Ice Levels 1₁ 1961 2007 2012 2016 2019 Arctic Ice Levels 1955 2006 2012 2016 2019 Arctic Ice Levels DWA dılı 2007 2012 2016 2019 2020

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