


英文 高中

想問44 他的答案是怎麼得出來的 先發展於北美那跟義大利有什麼關系

C 111-W3 英文考科 第6頁 共7頁 43. What can we learn about pineapple on pizza from this passage? (A) A great majority of people in the world enjoy this combination. BIt was invented in Hawaii and becomes popular all over the world. It is so harmful that it has been destroying families and friendships. (D) It wasn't until 2009 that it became a hit in Italy and all over the world. 44. Which of the following statements about the relation between Italian people and pineapple pizza is TRUE? ANt will be enjoyed by a small minority in the EU though many dislike it. (B) How it is made and produced will be preserved under a law from the EU. Its global appeal will be protected by the EU after it keeps evolving. D) It will break with tradition and have a chance of becoming a hit. 46. In the last sentence of this article, what does the author try to imply? alolqua9 (A) (A) They hate it so much that they have decided to make it unlawful in Italy. Though pineapple pizza is unwelcome in Italy, it is invented here. A (C) Some Italian people can accept it because it breaks with tradition. (D) Pineapple pizza has been part of their food culture since long ago. 45. Based on the second paragraph in this passage, if a kind of food is given a TSG status, then what would happen? (A) Putting pineapple on a pizza is illegal, and putting ketchup on a hotdog is also illegal in the US. (B) Putting ketchup on a hotdog is more acceptable than putting pineapple on a pizza in the US. (C) Putting ketchup on a hotdog and putting pineapple on a pizza are legal in the US. (D) Putting ketchup on a hotdog has nothing to do with putting pineapple on a pizza in the US. 第貳部分、混合題(占10分) 限有笑顯光標示題號的作答區內作 ghe oir 分 it th e 5 C vh as VO 14 r 1

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英文 高中


6. into Because so many people drink chai, people making it are in high demand. Therefore, chaiwallahs can be found everywhere. Some sit on street corners, where they boil milk Wis``tea leaves, sugar, and various spices. Not until the tea tastes perfect small glasses to be sold to passersby for ten rupees (NT$4). Some chaiwallahs use a 7.: one person prepares large amounts of chai, while another carries metal jugs of it onto trains. The latter person walks fast down the aisles to sell it. The chai served in plastic cups or clay ones that can be thrown away after, so the chaiwallahs don't have to 8. the cups. different ai is If + S + Ved /were L Chaiwallahs are 9. some of the cleverest tea sellers in the world. If VR at would / could I might they millions of people wouldn't have their daily tea. For Indíans, it is difficult to imagine life without this delicious drink! (B) 1. (A) For (B) 2. (A) trace ( 3. (A) known 4. (A) whom ( ) ) 5. (A) in ((A) is it poured () . (A) tribe 8. (A) bring back (B) 9. (A) by no means 在心中 (B) At (C) of = among (D) By (B) commute (C) scheme (B) know (C) to know (B) whose (C) which (B) on (C) under (B) it is poured (C) does it pour (B) sack (C) tactic (B) come with (C) drown out (B) without a doubt(C) at a time (D) transaction (D) knowing (D) who S (D) with (D) it pours (D) flaw (D) take in (D) in the end plates while others dishwashing area, system is flawless. T success is due togetherness. 註:Sikh 錫克教的 1. 6. 2. 7 B 七、篇章結構 (A) Once on the (B) This process (C) For exampl (D) Obviously airplane. Did you only around of them has meal from th as you'll se

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英文 高中

請問portray 和shaping在這裡要怎麼填?是因為有as所以portray要填第一個嗎?那我想問,如果要說將a塑造成b要怎麼寫,是shape a as b嗎?還是不能這樣用?

58 Unit 8 Selling Smoking According to the American Lung Association, 90% of all smokers begin smoking before the age of 21. One reason for this is the media, smoking as glamorous and cool, which strongly influences children and adolescents. The ban on tobacco advertising in various countries shows that authorities realize, V₁. ad the 2 between the media and smoking. Most tobacco advertising posts 3 fashionable people with cigarettes, suggesting that smoking improves social status. The handsome "Marlboro Man" promoting Marlboro cigarettes, for instance, encouraged many boys to 4 the habit. Few know that David McLean, the model who played the "Marlboro Man," died of lung cancer after 5 smoking. 6 advertising, movies promote smoking, especially when famous movie stars like Julia Roberts in My Best Friend's Wedding and Leonardo Dicaprio in Titanic, smoke on-screen. Alarmingly, two-thirds of all smoking scenes in Hollywood's top 50 movies (2000-2001) were in films targeting children of 13 and younger, thus creating a new of young smokers. 7 贊助活動 Tobacco companies also subtly sell their products by sponsoring events to 8 their brand names. For instance, in the world of sport, tobacco companies like British American Tobacco sponsor popular Formula 1 teams like Ferrari at motor races worldwide. 9 public opinion, stricter regulations on Thus, the media, which plays such an important role in evidently has a major part in making youngsters smoke. 10 the direct and indirect promotion of smoking, young people will continue to smoke. They smoke to feel accepted in society, not knowing their health is seriously damaged. Apart from A) (Without 1. 6. FH A take up (G) attractive 2. 7. l E promote (H) portraying 3. 8. CG XU 4. 9. link shaping B # 1 5. 10. generation (J) excessive J

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英文 高中

想問7、9(  ・᷄-・᷅ )

at UMYNA Isrt T mozz93 Power of Passion and Perseverance." The ideas in her talk were later made into a book Angela Duckworth, an American scholar, gave a TED Talk in New York entitled "Grit: The 4. years earlier, Duckworth accepted a job as a mathematics teacher at a public with the same title, 3. was published in 2016. students gradually taught her 5. school in New York. Her talk details how JO that to be successful, natural intelligence alone is not enough. One must also possess what is the years, her AMVAND known 6. to grit. Grit refers to consistent effort 7. by a strong determination 1900 achieve a goal. Through detailed research, Duckworth discovered that people with high levels of grit remain highly motivated to achieve their goals 8. giving up on them. In other words, someone with true grit will see himself or herself getting closer to his or her goal day by day. Therefore, that person will always be able to keep himself or herself 9. to achieving that goal. (21 Duckworth's TED Talk and book have since inspired millions w of pebresh Spoled simple nood Tayon DẦN remained on The New York Times bestseller list for 10. Her book Comor MY almost half a year following its il boxlool saunood publication. (U) 1. (A) what (C) how bast (D) why Tat NH (B) which () 2. (A) so ob e'lem (B) such 012(C) very you AVTO (D) same OT () 3. (A) which (B) it (C) that igbindm (D) and langvinu (b) 4. (A) Few (20 (B) Little) (C) A little (D) A few (b) 5. (A) with (C) until (D) over NA (B) around (B) for (C) as (D) to be 6. (A) by )(A) drives B.C (B) driven (C) driving T(D) to drive (A) 8.(A) instead of (B) regardless of JAN 9. (A) dedicate (C) except for IN VANT (C) dedicated (B) dedicating od () 10. (A) in turn (B) around the world ·bait) (D) around the corner NT that parent change th Unf 6.1 C weakeni UND phones asks w childre N AGT A (42 (D) in addition to (D) to dedicate Mayb seco 註: vinslid 1. 6. Ł

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英文 高中

請問第四題如果選D的話合理嗎?覺得蠻通順的 謝謝!

II. 綜合測驗 With all the TED Talks available, how can you choose a good one to start with? TED.com offers several playlists that can introduce you to TED Talks. 1. playlist* features the 25 most-watched talks. Another, 2. "11 must-see TED Talks," aims to give an introduction to the wide range of topics covered. Still another has 3. of the very first talks to be uploaded. 4. , you might start with the one talk that is on all three lists: Sir Ken Robinson's "Do Schools Kill Creativity?" This talk 5. is from 2006, is about encouraging creativity in school. TED's most popular talk, it 6. more than 58 million times over the years. Talks also bed The 563.6 Talk. Eve miss one 1₁. online. T even if y If you still don't know 7. a talk, try TED.com's TED Recommends* system. Using jetoi sii ni sau tot jelewater at slytestil vibaori-pos nseil. some topics you find interesting. 9. with that this is very easy. All you have to do is 8. information, the system recommends a talk for you to watch and rate. After you watch that first 5021 (8) muntari A talk, a second is recommended based on your rating. 10. you watch and rate, the system learns your preferences* and can suggest more and more interesting talks for you. However you choose your first video, TED Talks can be so interesting that it probably won't be your last. 註*: playlist 播放清單;recommend 推薦;preference 偏好 註*:re 1. 6. (B) One coronal THC (C) Another (D) Other ( IV. 篇重 (B)1. ) 1. (A) Some s ohni T (B) known for (C) known as (D) known to (A) S (V) 2. (A) known by Say It (8) do (C) little SURMA) (D) a little st (B) a few B) 3. (A) few ( () 4. (A) In fact commemo (B) In other words (D) However 1 blowodi 10ei (C) Instead blow od si notlesinagio C (C) that (B), which (D), who (^) which bos HO(A) sl odi omr 978l odi Every videos all also launc follow the local focu (B) C in (C) T

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