


英文 高中


Language in Focus ☆ V-ing/p.p...., S + V... 分詞構句(前半句) 本句型是由兩個主詞相同的句子合併而來的分詞構句用法,要點 在於將連接詞帶領的句子化,避免主詞重複敘述。以下以本課 第 8-9 行最完整寫法為例,解釋合併的寫步驟: Ster 先判斷連接網所引導的子每當中將與主要子句主詞是否 相同。若相同,則刪去連養為子句的主詞,避免重複敘述。 連接詞子句 主要子句 But Arraeus thinks quickly, Maynard lays a trap and Step 3 des har crew balow the deck of his remaining ship. 將領高子句中的動詞改為分詞。主動改為現在分詞 V-ing; 「若改過去分詞 p p.p. ,若其動詞為 beV,可直接將 beV 省略。此時表示時態助動詞也一併省略。 But Maynard thinks thinking quickly, Maynard lays a trap and hides his crew below the deck of his remaining ship. 連接詞可斟酌省略, ,若省略後會影響句意,則得保留。 • But Maynard Thinking quickly, Maynard lays a trap and hides his crew below the deck of his remaining ship. Feeling excited, the children opened... on Christmas morning Give It a Shot 綜合練習 ● 請用本課 Language in Focus 句型改寫以下句子 The children felt excited, the children opened their presents on Christmas morning, The children felt excited, opening their' presents on Christmas morning. X s. ② 請圈出正確的答案 (Shocking Shocked by the loud noise outside, we

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英文 高中


y contributor to airline waste. Thus, wasted airline food poses quite a serious environmental REVIS problem. 因比cadv) Considering that most airline customers expect to be 3. food during flights, some airlines 秋水 are making an effort to provide food but produce less waste. For example, the airline EasyJet recently introduced "smart" meal plans 4. their in-flight 21 (adv) services. EasyJet used to waste as 5. as 800,000 food items per year. With this 6. plan, the airline could plan meals based on data regarding how consumers' needs are influenced by different causes, JJCM). TACH) *I prep Zipocho flight duration and time of day. The airline has (D used such data the most suitable meals for individual flights. As a result, more food will be eaten 8. flights and less will be wasted. ( 7. caris med 因此 Wasted food remains a major part of why air travel will likely be causing 2 environmental damage for many years. For millions worldwide, food is 9. parents are forced to send their children out to work. 10. 被迫的(0) food policies. Doing so could lead to less waste and a more even distribution* of food SEXE ( throughout the world. duration distribution 1. (A) that () 2. (A) If (A) 3. (A) served (C) 4. (A) in (C) 5. (A) long (A) 6. (A) such as (7) 7.(A) determining apibromo (C) determined (8. (A) around (A) 9. (A) so 10.(A) Suddenly be (B) it scarce that 稀缺(9). airlines must change their (C) what (C) Though (B) Because (B) supported (C) surrounded (B) atas lens (C) to nised upy (D) with (B) often Inst(C) many (adv) (D) much (B) except for (D) instead of DDDDY pai (C) more than (B) to determine odt to (B) among (B) very and (C) too (B) Similarly dai (C) Immediately (D) whichQLA (D) Once M (H) (D) sponsored ( (D) by determining (C) between word wuy big (D) during (D) much ou (D) Therefore

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