


英文 高中

想請問第六題(劃線部分)為什麼是選when? 原選項:6. (A)which (B)what (C)where (D)when

* a myth. It relates that a 5. warrior starved in Heaven for not honoring his ancestors* while alive. During this festival, the Bengali perform ceremonies for their ancestors to achieve peace. Another country that honors the dead is Nepal* / Here Gai Jatra, lasting for eight days in July or August, is a festival 6 cows are paraded throughout the town by families who lost someone the year before. This is a way to remember the lost ones since cows are considered sacred. Lastly, another unique country is Madagascar*. Betind the Fhk%}èoncept of Famadihana is an unusual celebration. The Malagasy people believe that spirits cannot rest 18.) the body is fully decomposed. Perherefore, every seven years, they { Chenge to the cemetery ) and dig up bodies to spray with perfume, wrap in silk, and parade around with music. 10._this is offensive* to Westerners, it is honorable here. Although death is a universal fate we all share, how we deal with it can be largely dependent on live in the world. 註:Bengal 孟加拉地區(包含孟加拉及印度西孟加拉邦) ancestor 祖先 Nepal 尼泊爾 Madagascar 馬達加斯加 offensive 冒犯的 (0) 1.(A) regardless of (B) except for (C) instead of (D) in addition to (A) 2.(A) mourned (B) preferred (C) awaited (D) restored (b) B ) 3.(A) he (B) those (C) anyone where you a person rinated an

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