


英文 高中

請問第18題要怎麼選 大家都是靠語感還是有什麼方法可以解?

品類 人 請依文意從四個選項中選出一個最適當的答 苔以 避 了二二和1 ed One Of 也e pleasures of Teading fiction is that you're_ able to enter the mind of someone compJetely difierent, for example, a sailor ora Imovle Star. In the novel 77e Cuz7ozs 還c7gezf 0了 andm 克e 2og 肪 芍e AV7977/-77z77e, author Mark,Haddon does Something a blt out of the ordinary with “ffhis oJd concept. He tells the story 六 in了e W16 of Christopher Boone,al5-year- oJd boy WItfh autlsm, aSerlous mental disorder that affects loglc, behavior, and soclal skills. ( Writing 了he book 人 17 Haddo kwith uite a challenge. ChrlstopheT doeSrmt knowy a和本 words often have dden meanings. He doesn't understand idioms or jokesyand he can't且 人MS , heisagenius at math and physics. When he 宙scovers 也at his neighbor's dog has been killed, he sets out to solve the crime. HHIS unusual SKIS and lmltations make for one of the strangest detective stories in all literature- 全 adventures take him from his small hometown to the big city of London, whieh to him Is Rs sirange and confusingta3 19 ft mighfktaKe a few pages to 20 _being inside Christophers head, but readers will quIcMy accept 也e boy S way of looking at the everyday world and see it for the unusual place it reajjy 欣j (A) volce (B) mouth (C) face (D) llte 陳 P( (A) awarded (8B) showed ( (D) breSented 人 人 1 18. A) nm other words (B) As usual 0) On the 人 ) Atter all 媽 (A) other (B) another (C) the othe 0 (D) no other 人 (A) belong to , (B) stand for 吧: tocus on (D) adjust to : 全 。 人 “ 攻you're traveling through Eastern Europe, Na come acroSS a Special Souvenir. AA和ough it may Jook like just a simp]e, painted wooden doll, you'll find afew_21_1you open up. Jnside, fhere is a small doll, and inside that one, another! This traditional doll is called te ///a/zryzos7Aa, and its become an iconic symbol of Mother Russia.

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