


英文 高中


2676 1st: 43 The scientists decided to light fires that would burn off the gas, figuring that it would only be a few weeks 4. the gas was all gone. They evidently made a miscalculation, as the fires have been burning constantly for over 40 years. In 2010, the president of Turkmenistan VR recommended that the Stater* (should) Ver 5. filled in to limit the amount of gas that is burned. However, no action has yet been taken. Thus, the Door to Hell remains firmly open, drawing tourists from all over the world to gaze into its fiery depths. 事 3. to those who live nearby. 1. Adultimately (B) respectively 2.(A) coming down ( (B) blending in 倒塌 (A) menace FATA 4. (A) until 5 A) was 3 fa (C) approximately (C) giving in 威育恐嚇 (B) hypocrisy 飾 (C)facility 設施) (B) when (C) before to be (B) be Partid 199 a 201 (D) constantly (D) going out Right (D) legacy 產 Dif (D) had been While scientists are 6. to find ways of improving plants, medicine, and human beings, many arguments are being 7. . Some arguments may be personal, social, or economic but more likely, they tend to be moral. And it is believed that genetic engineering will keep on mmm. 工程学 changing us throughout this century. 8. genetic In general, people question the whole use of genetic engineering. engineering will improve the way we grow food and care for our environment, people still question genetic engineering. What may be questioned is how companies may 9. their 2023/01/03 19:55 use. and h how is, c que exp sce in te re C

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