


英文 高中

英文問題 may not be什麼意思 感覺題目詳解給錯了

第 48 至 51 題為題組 Many of us have probably experienced déjà vu at least a few times in our life. Its meaning comes from the phrase "already seen" in French, and occurs when we feel that a person, place, or thing is familiar to us without actually having experienced them before. This strange phenomenon happens to as much as 70 percent of the population, but a higher number of 15 to 25 year olds experience it than any other age group. Maybe you just travelled to a new foreign country, and it just felt very familiar to you. Yes, you are feeling déjà vu; however, you know you haven't been there before. While different people experience déjà vu in different ways, it is still a pretty mysterious phenomenon, and researchers are putting the pieces together. Based on some studies, déjà vu is just a part of having a healthy memory checking system, and people who experience déjà vu more often are less likely to forget the details of important events. In fact, the results of the study don't look too promising in terms of mental health for people who never experience déjà vu. Scientists believe déjà vu is created by a neurological anomaly related to an improper electrical discharge in the brain. In short, it's not a mystical prophecy or out-of-body experience, but just your brain playing a trick on you; that is, these scientists dismiss it as just a glitch in the matrix. A few people are just terrified when it happens, but others feel euphoric about it. On average, most people just find it to be a perplexing sensation, neither pleasant nor threatening. Since déjà vu occurs in individuals with and without a medical condition, there is much speculation as to how and why it happens. Several psychoanalysts attribute deja vu to simple fantasy or wish fulfillment, while some psychiatrists ascribe it to a mismatching in the brain that causes it to mistake the present for the past. Many parapsychologists believe it is related to a past-life experience. Obviously, there is more investigation and researches to be done. So, does this article seem very familiar to you? 48. Which of the following CAN'T be described as a déjà vu experience based on this passage? (A) You keep buying similar style of clothing and you don't know why. (B) You feel you've been to a place when actually it's your first time there. (C) Someone looks familiar to you though you have never seen him before. (D) You just met a new friend whom you think you must have met somewhere. 49. Based on the article, which description about déjà vu is WRONG? (A) It actually is not as harmful to our mental health as we think. (B) Some people who have experienced it may feel a sense of happiness. (C) The word"déjà vu" originates from France, meaning"already seen." (D) Those who never experience it may not be mentally healthier than those who do.

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英文 高中

想問這題的C C選項指的不應該是說 買賣NFT比想像中複雜 但文中所指NFT的買賣那麼複雜,那為什麼不是錯的勒

第 39 至 42 題為題組 As we progress further into the digital age, new terms and technologies seem to pop up everywhere. The latest of these is "NFTs" or non-fungible tokens. If something is fungible, it means that it is able to be replaced by an item of identical value, such as currency. Therefore, a non-fungible token cannot be interchanged; it is unique. NFTs are linked to the blockchain-the digital database that supports online cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Let's take a deeper look at NFTs and how people can buy, sell, and trade them. In simple terms, NFTs are one-of-a-kind digital works of art. They can take the form of GIFs, tweets, virtual trading cards, images of physical objects, and more. NFTs tend to attract investors who believe in the future of blockchain technology, and who are willing to spend top dollar to obtain a new form of digital currency. For example, Jack Dorsey's first tweet sold for $2.9 million, a video clip of a LeBron James slam dunk sold for over $200,000, and a decade-old "Nyan Cat" GIF sold for $600,000. Clearly, the NFT market is something to be taken seriously. So, the next question is: how does one participate in it? modi naging dato Basically any digital image can be purchased as an NFT. But before buying one, there are a y things to bolet gold sin few things to consider. You need to think about which marketplace to buy from. You also need to b bount itnorn s. slagg 21.05 think about what kind of digital wallet you'll be using to store the NFT, and which type of gos, of 10 and ab cryptocurrency you'll use to purchase it. The process of selling your NFT will vary based on which Dead orie ni einshins Imp leve moitoolsh marketplace you use. However, the process is simple enough-first, you'll upload your content to anthow ad of Lite to 2012 63 ele ning rolls of abno the marketplace to turn it into an NFT. Then, add details about the work and set the price. NFTS bengoof mi cont long as they have may sound confusing, but anyone is able to take part in this new digital market as a digital wallet and a little bit of cryptocurrency. zulli 120d so ausu gaivollot sa to doir'W.20 con cach these All th Ver DHE KU A

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英文 高中


文意選填 In the Bible we can read many of Jesus' parables (ik). A parable is a simple story that_1_a moral lesson. For example, "The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant" is about the moral goodness of forgiveness. Jesus_2_the parable by saying that the Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a particular situation in a worldly kingdom. A king was collecting money owed to him by some of his servants. One servant owed the king a lot of money but claimed he was unable to pay the debt 3_ The king ordered that the servant be sold with his valuable things, wife and children to make up the payment. On hearing this, the servant knelt down before the king and begged for mercy. He asked the king to be patient, so he could have time to pay back the money. The king felt pity for the servant and forgave him for his debt. The servant felt_4_ and left. Later, the servant went to see a fellow servant who owed him money. The man could not pay him, so the servant _5_him by the throat, saying, "Pay me what you owe!" The fellow servant fell at his feet and said, "Have_6_with me and I will pay your money back!" However, the servant showed no pity and had thrown him into prison. When the other servants heard what had happened, they reported the event to the king. The king was angry, and he decided to _7_the fellow servant. Then, he sent the one he had 8_forgiven to prison until he paid his debt. It was the_9_of his cruelty to others. Jesus finished the parable by saying that God will_10_ people who do not forgive others for their wrongs. This is a powerful story that sends us a message about the importance of forgiveness, whether we are religious or not. 文意選填 (A) relieved (B) patience (C) originally (D) immediately (E) release (F) firm (G) teaches (H) grasped (I) punish (J) escaped (K) began (L) result

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數學 高中

根本看不懂啦\( ̄▽ ̄;)/

Your report should follow these guidelines, although you may choose how you present it: How to Write a Mathematics Report In writing your report, remember that you are writing up a mathematical story and so, like all good stories, it will need a beginning, a middle and an end. More formally, the main components of this writing style are: Introduction, Formulating the Problem, Solving the problem, Discussion of Results, and Conclusion. We will now consider some of the detail in each of these aspects. Introduction This is the beginning of the story. Give a brief explanation of what the problem is about what the goals of the report are and what will be presented. Assume that your reader does not know what the problem is about or how to solve it. Formulating the problem Translate the situation into a maths problem. Explain how you will begin to solve the problem and break it into simpler stages. Discuss any assumptions made. What quantities are variables and which values are fixed? You may use sub-headings if they assist you. Solving the Problem Show any calculations and mathematical reasoning that you use. (Assume that your reader does not know much maths). Do not show the same types of calculations repetitively. Just give one or two examples of a calculation and then put the rest of the results in a table. Use diagrams or graphs if they assist you. Make general remarks about what you observe in your calculation results and, possibly, why. You may want to criticise your work and go on to improve it in the next section. Explain what you will do next and why. Discussion of Results - Evaluate and Verify Summarise your results if necessary and refer to your mathematical reasoning. Justify procedures used. Interpret your results. First, are they reasonable or does something not look right and need further investigation or checking? Is there a decision to be made? Here is where you should present the decision-making process. Evaluate the strengths and limitations of your solutions. Conclusion Summarise your findings. Refer to the problem outlined in the introduction. Make sure that you answer the question that was asked. Make recommendations. No new material should be presented here.

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英文 高中

第二題,求解! plan不是名詞嗎?為什麼要加ing? PS.答案是B

多 (二 )】(5)(A) so that(B) too; for When本was ten years Old, my mother took me to Germany. She had a close f 1she_(1)_once again. She and her ffiend had (2匣 around. On our day of departure, we hrst time in my 1jfe,Tgot on an allplane eXperlehces 了hat Week. 人 (C) too; to (D) too; that Tlend there _,$0Twas able to simply be guldec (3)_our baps and drovye to fhe alrport. There, for the 。_(4)_.That was fto be fhe frst Of many new Many of the fun memories Ihave from Germany jinvojve food. One parflcuJarly memoraple eXperienee was my mother?”s friend?s husband showing me__(5)_.The snack ifselfwas sImple: bread and sausage. He took the bread in his right hand and 了e sausage j 各s Jeft and 各en fook a blg blte out of each. He then looked at me and said, “Understfand?”Tfounmd 了is exfremely funny, and 站 happy to spend the next hour or so practlcing 世1s most satisfyIng acfIvlty! ) (1)(A) eager to (B) eager to visit(C) was eager to visit(D) was eager CC (AA) done all planning(B) done 所 也eplanning(C) done all plan(D) done all the plan 片 ) (3)(A) packed up (B) came about (C) handed out (0) took part 了 ( 大 ) (4(A) felt very exclted (B) feel very eXclted 只 feeling very excited “(D) to feel Very exclted ( 及 ) (5)(A) how atraditiona German afternoon snack is eaten_(B) how is atraditional German afternoon snmack eaten _(C) how is eating atraditional German afternoon 2 還

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