


英文 高中

想問這題的C C選項指的不應該是說 買賣NFT比想像中複雜 但文中所指NFT的買賣那麼複雜,那為什麼不是錯的勒

第 39 至 42 題為題組 As we progress further into the digital age, new terms and technologies seem to pop up everywhere. The latest of these is "NFTs" or non-fungible tokens. If something is fungible, it means that it is able to be replaced by an item of identical value, such as currency. Therefore, a non-fungible token cannot be interchanged; it is unique. NFTs are linked to the blockchain-the digital database that supports online cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Let's take a deeper look at NFTs and how people can buy, sell, and trade them. In simple terms, NFTs are one-of-a-kind digital works of art. They can take the form of GIFs, tweets, virtual trading cards, images of physical objects, and more. NFTs tend to attract investors who believe in the future of blockchain technology, and who are willing to spend top dollar to obtain a new form of digital currency. For example, Jack Dorsey's first tweet sold for $2.9 million, a video clip of a LeBron James slam dunk sold for over $200,000, and a decade-old "Nyan Cat" GIF sold for $600,000. Clearly, the NFT market is something to be taken seriously. So, the next question is: how does one participate in it? modi naging dato Basically any digital image can be purchased as an NFT. But before buying one, there are a y things to bolet gold sin few things to consider. You need to think about which marketplace to buy from. You also need to b bount itnorn s. slagg 21.05 think about what kind of digital wallet you'll be using to store the NFT, and which type of gos, of 10 and ab cryptocurrency you'll use to purchase it. The process of selling your NFT will vary based on which Dead orie ni einshins Imp leve moitoolsh marketplace you use. However, the process is simple enough-first, you'll upload your content to anthow ad of Lite to 2012 63 ele ning rolls of abno the marketplace to turn it into an NFT. Then, add details about the work and set the price. NFTS bengoof mi cont long as they have may sound confusing, but anyone is able to take part in this new digital market as a digital wallet and a little bit of cryptocurrency. zulli 120d so ausu gaivollot sa to doir'W.20 con cach these All th Ver DHE KU A

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英文 高中


hsth. 覆滿某物 某事 23 More Than a Pretty Picture S. Y ou visit a tourist attraction, and everybody around you has digital cameras. In the crowd, however, you notice one person carrying a small unde bin toy-like camera—a LOMO camera. Interested, you later search the Internet for more information. 5 Hool verT/(B) bnet explosent (3) The LOMO photography ("lomography") craze began in 1991, when two Viennese students bought an old LOMO film camera and began experimenting. The pictures were different from any they had seen before. Some colors were too bright, some objects were blurry, and the pictures looked strange. But their oddness inspired a style of photography that would become popular worldwide 10 王於吾乎 成為熱門景點 一定又會遲至 童,向他人求 美」理論, ,必須經拍 其對應的 rigenpotoriq i exst (8) With modern cameras, every aspect of a picture is controllable. However, this isn't the case with LOMO cameras. These fun and simple machines have special features like colored flashy and fish-eye lenses. They produce pictures with an element of unpredictability which makes using them a novel experience. To get even more out of your one-of-a-kind tool, ignore the basic rules of photography 15 39 and follow lomography.com's "ten golden rules 3-A.C -以詩的 条水草 LOMO cameras provide a change of pace from modern digital ones. In our high-tech world, LOMO cameras let us appreciate the low-tech side of film photography. As the old saying goes, "stop and smell the roses." And while you're at it, take a picture of them, too. With a LOMO camera, you'll get a new and 20 peculiar perspective of the world every time. 虹似 2.85

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英文 高中

想問7、9(  ・᷄-・᷅ )

at UMYNA Isrt T mozz93 Power of Passion and Perseverance." The ideas in her talk were later made into a book Angela Duckworth, an American scholar, gave a TED Talk in New York entitled "Grit: The 4. years earlier, Duckworth accepted a job as a mathematics teacher at a public with the same title, 3. was published in 2016. students gradually taught her 5. school in New York. Her talk details how JO that to be successful, natural intelligence alone is not enough. One must also possess what is the years, her AMVAND known 6. to grit. Grit refers to consistent effort 7. by a strong determination 1900 achieve a goal. Through detailed research, Duckworth discovered that people with high levels of grit remain highly motivated to achieve their goals 8. giving up on them. In other words, someone with true grit will see himself or herself getting closer to his or her goal day by day. Therefore, that person will always be able to keep himself or herself 9. to achieving that goal. (21 Duckworth's TED Talk and book have since inspired millions w of pebresh Spoled simple nood Tayon DẦN remained on The New York Times bestseller list for 10. Her book Comor MY almost half a year following its il boxlool saunood publication. (U) 1. (A) what (C) how bast (D) why Tat NH (B) which () 2. (A) so ob e'lem (B) such 012(C) very you AVTO (D) same OT () 3. (A) which (B) it (C) that igbindm (D) and langvinu (b) 4. (A) Few (20 (B) Little) (C) A little (D) A few (b) 5. (A) with (C) until (D) over NA (B) around (B) for (C) as (D) to be 6. (A) by )(A) drives B.C (B) driven (C) driving T(D) to drive (A) 8.(A) instead of (B) regardless of JAN 9. (A) dedicate (C) except for IN VANT (C) dedicated (B) dedicating od () 10. (A) in turn (B) around the world ·bait) (D) around the corner NT that parent change th Unf 6.1 C weakeni UND phones asks w childre N AGT A (42 (D) in addition to (D) to dedicate Mayb seco 註: vinslid 1. 6. Ł

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