


英文 高中


文意選填 In the Bible we can read many of Jesus' parables (ik). A parable is a simple story that_1_a moral lesson. For example, "The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant" is about the moral goodness of forgiveness. Jesus_2_the parable by saying that the Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a particular situation in a worldly kingdom. A king was collecting money owed to him by some of his servants. One servant owed the king a lot of money but claimed he was unable to pay the debt 3_ The king ordered that the servant be sold with his valuable things, wife and children to make up the payment. On hearing this, the servant knelt down before the king and begged for mercy. He asked the king to be patient, so he could have time to pay back the money. The king felt pity for the servant and forgave him for his debt. The servant felt_4_ and left. Later, the servant went to see a fellow servant who owed him money. The man could not pay him, so the servant _5_him by the throat, saying, "Pay me what you owe!" The fellow servant fell at his feet and said, "Have_6_with me and I will pay your money back!" However, the servant showed no pity and had thrown him into prison. When the other servants heard what had happened, they reported the event to the king. The king was angry, and he decided to _7_the fellow servant. Then, he sent the one he had 8_forgiven to prison until he paid his debt. It was the_9_of his cruelty to others. Jesus finished the parable by saying that God will_10_ people who do not forgive others for their wrongs. This is a powerful story that sends us a message about the importance of forgiveness, whether we are religious or not. 文意選填 (A) relieved (B) patience (C) originally (D) immediately (E) release (F) firm (G) teaches (H) grasped (I) punish (J) escaped (K) began (L) result

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英文 高中


1 2. 3 4. D) Basically, they go on voyage after voyage in search of an immense treasure buried somewhere by the King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger. B C 閱讀測驗1 There he flies, turns, lands and—to da- a disaster is saved, by Superman. “Come on,” you roll your eyes. “That's NOT real.” But admit it -we LOVE superman. Since the debut of the prototypical superhero Superman in 1938, stories of various superheroes have dominated American comic books and crossed over into such other media as films and animations. Versatile as these super characters may be, they do share certain traits. We know the double-life secret that Peter Parker is Spider-man, Bruce Wayne the Batman, and Clark Kent the Man of Steel. The secret identity has a civilian job while the “super-me” puts on an eye-catching costume, or custom-made accessories like Wonder Woman's bracelets. We are concerned that the bad guys play tricks so as to hurt these protectors. Fortunately enough, our superheroes normally have a base to go for “restoration” to. The Batcave has everything the Batman needs. Isn't that great? Furthermore, these super icons may have some backups and do not always have to work independently. The Fantastic Four or X-men team up as they have common origins or sponsors. These super teams are like a marvelous circle. Nevertheless, there are downsides being a superhero. Credits are not always given as the Batman and Spider-man meet with public skepticism or outright hostility. A superhero may even lose control as the Hulk has an issue with his violent alter ego. We love to see the superheroes think big and achieve big. They for sure reflect what we are and what we want to be. In summary, superheroes are popular and iconic because they each represent a large part of a society's traits and values. Everyone can relate to at least one hero and villain, because those heroes are designed to show the best parts of society, and the villains represent the worst parts. 5 What can we say about the author's tone? (A) Angry. (B) Formal. (C) Harsh. (D) Relaxed. 48 主题5 藝文世界

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