


英文 高中

想問這幾題 想問為什麼錯的不能用+對的為什麼能這樣用?🙏

英文考科 二、綜合測驗(占10分) +3 on 說明:第11.題至第20.題,每題1分。 bodzowbred no 第11.至15.題為題組 In 1956, African honeybees were introduced into Brazil to improve honey production in the tropical climate of South America. However, they started to mix with European honeybees already living there and produced a new kind of "Africanized" honeybees that are better at setting up hiyes and at reproducing than European bees. Keeping Africanized bees poses a challenge to beekeepers. Generally, beekeepers keep their bees in 11. wooden boxes, or hives. s. Afte After the worker bees fill a hive with honey, the beekeepers open the lid of the hive and blow a few puffs of thick, cool smoke into the hive to help calm 12. easier to collect the honey. the bees, 第 2 頁 共 10 頁 The problem with keeping Africanized bees is that they are more defensive than European bees. Even the slightest bump against the hive may 13. an alarm. A large quantity of smoke is needed to calm the bees. Two or three beekeepers may need to work together to safely harvest the honey. And they may need to wear heavier beekeeping suits even in hot, 14. weather. Beekeepers may also collect less honey from Africanized bee hives. European bees form search parties and work together to collect flower nectar from which honey is made, while Africanized bees usually work alone in search of flowers. Therefore, less nectar is brought back to Africanized bee hives. Africanized bees also spend less time storing honey but more time caring for young bees. That may be because they 15. in a tropical climate where not much honey is needed for food during the winter. (C) starved AB 11. (A) stacked door Lyc (B) stuffed obl (A) which make them (B) so that they are (C) thus it would be D (B) go off (C) call off (A) get off (D) staffed (D) making it DLL CC

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英文 高中


52.~54. 題為題組 [無合成分裂〕 自從 1835 年德國植物學家馮莫爾(Hugo von Mohl)在綠藻的研究中發現細胞分裂以來, 細胞的分裂已被廣泛研究。目前已知的生物細胞分裂包含有絲分裂、減數分裂與無絲分裂,在 進入分裂期之前都須經過遺傳物質(DNA)的複製,確保新生成的子細胞具備母細胞的遺傳訊 息。 翔於天際 2 然而在 2022 年 4 月,國際期刊《自然〉刊登了一篇由臺灣中研院研究團隊發表的論文, 提到脊椎動物斑馬魚的表皮細胞,可在未經 DNA 複製的狀態下進行細胞分裂產生新細胞。由 於沒有經過 DNA複製階段,新生成的子細胞皆不具備完整的母細胞 DNA。此一特殊的細胞分 裂被研究團隊稱為「無合成分裂」,其產生的子細胞型態較小、較扁,且僅發生在斑馬魚體表 最表面一層的表皮細胞;再往內一層的表皮細胞可以進行正常的有絲分裂。這個現象讓研究人 員十分納悶。 ( 經過對斑馬魚生活史的了解,研究人員認為在斑馬魚幼魚早期生長階段,體長變化十分快 速,需要更多的表皮細胞覆蓋身體表面以提供保護,進行無合成分裂可快速增加表皮細胞數 量。目前已知,連續進行兩次無合成分裂,可提升表皮細胞數量達6成的體表覆蓋率。相較 於一般有絲分裂,可以在身體資源有限的早期發育階段,更快速、更有效率地增加表皮細胞數 量。請根據本文回答下列問題。 52. 有關本文的敘述,下列哪些正確?(應選2項) 斑馬魚可利用無合成分裂完成無性生殖 \(B)表皮細胞的覆蓋速度提升,有助於體型的增長 (1) 無合成分裂是斑馬魚增加表皮細胞的唯一方法 (D)斑馬魚的表皮細胞也會進行有絲分裂 (每個染色體完整的細胞僅能進行一次無合成分裂

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英文 高中


女大考三題型 Unit 8 The Risks of Bio-terrorism In 2001 a number of US government employees and citizens died, after opening 1 letters deliberately contaminated with a deadly disease. 2 The government has responded to the threat by introducing a "Bio-Watch" system, which uses special equipment to detect unusual organisms in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, it can provide an early warning system for major towns and cities, allowing medicine to be rushed to an area under attack. 3 However, the US government is much more worried about the psychological impact, rather than the actual death toll, of a bio-terrorist attack. Any disease effectively released as a bio-weapon in a highly populated zone could cause general panic. 4 As a result of the continuing bio-terror threat, the US government is trying to make its citizens more confident that it can combat this menace. By doing so, it hopes that there will be less widespread panic. Therefore, if a major bio-attack occurs, people can take immediate action to minimize the damage. (A) This was probably the work of a mad scientist, but it signaled to all Americans that bio-terrorism was a clear and present danger. (B) This might freeze normal economic activities in the world's biggest economy center, and thus cause chaos in the global financial system. (C/Infected people can then be treated, and most will survive. DUnfortunately, this technology cannot filter the mail or prevent terrorists releasing diseases in enclosed places. 1. 2. y 3. C 4.

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英文 高中


Coined in 2020, the term "revenge travel" stems from a feeling of wanting to break free from the monotonous life of lockdowns. After being confined in their homes for months due to the fear of the highly contagious disease and subsequent worldwide lockdowns, many people are more before the pandemic, It appears that now, rather than feeling afraid and worried, people are just 11. to travel even 12. lockdowns. With this mindset, the tourism ready to get back at something; the year 2020 industry has greatly bounced back right after the COVID wave starts declining. Many people want to go somewhere so eagerly as they have felt imprisoned for so long. Take India for example. Many people still go traveling out of sheer frustration and the feeling of annoyance from August to October, generally considered the off-season for travel because of unfavorable weather conditions. 13. the freedom of traveling is being celebrated, everything comes at a price. That is, revenge 14. months of lockdown, which breaks the chain of COVID-19 spread., travel has the potential to As tens of thousands of people flock to popular scenic sites, it is crucial for everyone to observe social 15. the chance to be infected will be the last thing people expect. distancing and mask wearing. Although these new norms can be quite disturbing, in the post pandemic era, people have to be prepared to change their behaviors. 11. (A) compelled A 12. (A) lost to $₁5 2 (B) ambitious (C) reluctant (D) desperate (B) occupied with (C) intended for (D) engaged in

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英文 高中


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