


英文 高中

中間2.的表格 第4個 anyone 後面可以加that嗎?我記得any系列不是不行嗎?

06 關係詞 6-2 a personianyone/those/people who + be/V... 句型範例 o people who are tired of their work should take some days off for a short trip. a 凡是厭倦於工作的人應該休息幾天去做短程旅行。 • God helps those who help themselves. 【證】天助自助者。 + Audiences of these shows tend to be people who are interested in food and enjoy watching people cook rather than those who want to do the cooking themselves. (105指考) 這些節目的觀眾大多是對 食物有興趣並喜歡看人做菜而非想自己下廚的人。 大考 富例 用法詳解 1. 本句型以關係子句表示「凡是…的人」。關係代名詞可用 that,然而who 較為常見。 • People who are affected by disconnect anxiety tend to feel anxious or depressed when they can't use their smartphones. 受離線焦慮症影響的人在無法使用手機時會感到焦慮與沮喪。 • Those who have no friends usually feel isolated and lonely. 沒有朋友的人通常會感到孤立與寂寞。 2. 本句型可以用下列結構代換,注意各用法中動詞的單複數形: thosel people who + 複數V ute onelhe who (較正式) a person who + 單數 V anyone who/that whoever - • Those People who spend much time watching TV are likely to become nearsighted. 中 One/Anyone/He who spends much time watching TV is likely to become nearsighted. Whoever spends much time watching TV is likely to become nearsighted. 凡是花很多時間看電視的人容易近視。

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