


英文 高中

請問第一句in which 的in如果要拿到後面去該怎麼改

2. This law orders that old, inaccurate search results should the person involved request it. 這個法律明訂,如果相關人士要求的話,老舊、不正確、或是不恰當的資訊就 得被從搜索結果中移除。 3. According to the EU law, data would only be removed if the impact on the individual's privacy is greater than the public's right to the information, though the threshold is ambiguous. 根據這條歐盟法律,只有當資料影響私人生活之後果大於大眾知曉的權利下, 資料才會被從搜尋網站結果移除,儘管這個判定很模稜兩可。 23 瑪莎·長度 三、文意選填 (21~30) “The fourth wall” is a performance convention in which an invisible, imagined wall separates actors from the viewing crowds. While the convention 2l assumes the audience can see through this "wall", the actors act as if they cannot. From the 16th century 22onwards, the rise of illusionism in staging practices led to the development of the fourth wall concept. When a scene is set indoors and three of the walls of its room are presented "onstage in what is known as a box set, the "fourth" of them would run along the line which divides the stage from the audience. The "fourth wall”, 24though, is a theatrical convention, rather than that of set design. The actors ignore the audience, focus their attention exclusively on the dramatic world, and remain 25 absorbed in its fiction. In this way, the fourth wall exists regardless of the presence of any actual walls in the set, or the physical arrangement of the theatre building or performance space, or the actors’ 2° distance from or proximity to the audience. “Breaking the fourth wall” is any instance in which this performance convention is 27 violated. This can be done through either directly 28 referring to the audience, or the play as a play. In children's theater, for example, a character might ask the children for help, as when Peter Pan appeals to the audience to applaud in an effort to revive the fading Tinker Bell (“If you believe in fairies, clap your hands!"). The temporary suspension of the convention in this 馬奎斯 29 勒·柯比意 TOTT 30 de

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