


英文 高中

求解第9.12.18題 謝謝

全新試題 in winter. Bis > 8. It is very hot in Thailand (A) ever (B) even (U19 . (A) that (B) which (B) which (A) why ) 11. I have every hope (A) which (B) that Beli Bu (C) far (D) still Sara was excited about the news her son was admitted to Taiwan University. (C) what (D) how 安康高中 010 As one of the few to continue her education, Malala held the belief no one could stop people from getting an education. 板橋高中 (C) what (D) that I will get my sight back. 中港高中 (C) when (D) why )12. I do have a feeling you will undoubtedly succeed in achieving your goal if you have confidence and work hard. 武陵高中 (B) for which (C) that (D) in that ) 13. Girls should be given the right an education. That's what Malala Yousafzai has been 全新試題 (A) at (C) for these technologies might cause trouble in the future, there are some problems that need to be faced. 中港高中 (A) Because (B) If (C) Of (D) Though (A) which flghting for. (B) by (D) to Art 第三段課文重點 (1) bathreaten persuade help (2)分詞當形容詞 (3) like/alike/dislike/unlike (4) 介系詞應用 Bus 2) 15. The kidnapper threatened the boy if he did not get the ransom. 全新試題 (A) killing (B) to kille (C) that killed (D) to killing 016. After finishing our group work, my classmates and I felt 陸興高中 (A) relieving Bo (B) relieved on nor (C) received (D) receiving (Bin Furthermore, the Malala Fund was set up to help empower girls. The ripple effect spread and finally forced the Pakistani government to adopt a policy on educational rights for boys and girls subsolvodom 「板橋高中 (B) alike orla (C) likewise 118. My father tried to persuade me into law, which he believed was the most promising profession. 臺東高中 (A) goblo (B) going to (C) to goood (D) to going on (A) like 1 (D) likely Chis

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