


英文 高中

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II. 混合題:11% In 2018, the average annual hours worked in Taiwan was around 2,033 hours, which ranked second in Asia and fourth in the world. The long working hours then leads to a serious, widespread health issue called “burnout." “Burnout" can be described as a state of feeling extremely tired, either physically or mentally, due to a continuous heavy workload*. According to WHO, “burnout" can be recognized through three signs. First, people with burnout may have feelings of energy loss or exhaustion. Second, they may have a negative view of their career. Third, their professional productivity* may be greatly reduced. Although “burnout” may sound abstract and difficult to spot, this condition can have real-life effects and may lead to physical or mental health problems such as depression, or vulnerability* to illness. Thus, this issue should be taken seriously. Furthermore, the most important question is how we can accurately figure out all the health problems that are closely related to a heavy workload. Also, the government should put more effort into preventing more widespread “burnout” in the future. 註:workload 工作負擔 productivity 生產效率 vulnerability 易受傷害 ) 34. What is the purpose of this passage? (3%) (A) To offer an effective solution to a health issue. (B) To introduce a health issue caused by a heavy workload. (C) To share an experience of dealing with a health problem. (D) To tell the difference between two kinds of health problems. ) 35. What can we know from this passage? (3%) (A) Work pressure may be one of the reasons for mental health problems. (B) Diseases caused by heavy workloads are less common among Taiwanese. (C) The government is already trying to reduce the average workload in Taiwan. (D) The average working hours of Taiwanese are the second highest in the world. 36. How does the author describe “burnout” in this passage? Find out the one sentence and copy it down (5%) VII. 翻譯:20%(37每格1分,38至40 每題6分,39至40 為一題組) 37. 為了保持身材,Ben 每天下班後都在健身房健身。 To keep in good shape, Ben 38. Patrick 從健身房回家之後,他冲澡然後就躺下休息 in the gym every day after work. o 全国回国日香西兰羊日百了,

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