


英文 高中

請問50.題的 B選項 文章中有表明說intend to be temporary 嗎? D選項的rare and beautiful 為什麼有錯 ? 謝謝😀

You may or may not have heard of Christo, but it's undeniable that he had a big impact on the art world. The Bulgarian-American artist, who passed away in May 2020, made a career out of combining art with engineering to produce sweeping, grand installations. Christo was born in Bulgaria but left with his family to take up residence first in Western Europe and then in the US. He became known as a "land artist)” someone who creates works of art not by painting existing landscapes, but by adding his or hey art to the landscapes themselves. In 1969, he created Wrapped Coast in Sydney, Australia. Working with a team of assistants, he took over part of the coastline (at Little Bay in Sydney and covered the entire area in a huge spread of synthetic fabric. The fabrie tovering the landscape encouraged people to see the area with a hew perspective. In addition, the way the fabric hid the ground while still revealing its bumps, fissures, and curves turned it into a landscape in the most essential sense, like a three-dimensional topographical map of itself. At the time, it was the biggest piece of artwork ever created. Christo continued to think big with Valley Curtain, another enormous piece of fabric pulled across a valley in Colorado, US, from one side to the other. More than 350 meters (m) wide and 100m tall, the curtain's construction was a lengthy and laborious process. During his first attempt to set it up, the fabric caught too much wind and blew away. When it was finally put into place, it lasted only a little more than a day before having to be dismantled again. Though Christo's artwork, like anything in life, did not last forever, it was extraordinarily impressive while it existed. Christo continued to create such pieces throughout his career. 000.000 A 48. Based on the passage, a land artist needs der er (A) personal experience as a construction engineer 000.000.1 Bt considerable knowledge about geography (C) the right landscape to create their pieces 000,008 the ability to create long-lasting pieces Der 000.000 49. What is said about Valley Curtain? (A) Christo's first attempt at it was a failure. (B) Christo used a fabric to cover an entire ground. (C) It covered the entire length of a long valley! (D) It used a three-dimensional topographical map. 50. What do we learn about Christo's artwork from the passage? (A) It was inspired by something he saw as a small child. 10 . (C) It made people think about environmental protection. (D) It showed people that art was rare and beautiful. D 51. Which of these pictures is most likely Christo's artwork? (A) (B) (C)

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