


英文 高中

這是110年的指考翻譯,為什麼第一題後面要用the human body 而不是直接寫human body 就好?

Some B o 第貳部分:非選擇題(占28分) 說明:本部分共有二題,請依各題指示作答,答案必須寫在「答案卷」上,並 (A) How to execung demolition at the righ (B) How to collapse a building with explosives. (C) How to use explosives for different purposes. (D) How to destroy a building witte minimum manpower. 一 . 中譯英(占8分) 說明:1.請將以下中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的英文,並將答案寫在「答案 卷」上。 2.請依序作答,並標明子題號(1、2)。每題4分,共8分。 標明大題號(一、二)。作答務必使用筆尖較粗之黑色墨水的筆書寫, 且不得使用鉛筆。 1. 有些我們認為安全的包裝食品可能含有對人體有害的成分。 coh tains ackaged we thought sute UT * For our health before we health, we buy food 加 think safe to that we budy- 2. 為了我們自身的健康,在購買食物前我們應仔細閱讀包裝上的說明。 should read the explanations. the ackage carefully (6) X Othe hima 。 二、英文作文(占20分) 說明:1.依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。 2.文長至少120個單詞(words) elements that is On harmful / dangerous 提示:請以運動為主題,寫一篇至少120 個單詞的文章,說明你最常從事的運 DUDIEST 7000 動是什麼。文分兩段,第一段描述這項運動如何進行(如地點、活動方式、 及可能需要的相關用品等),第二段說明你從事這項運動的原因及這項運 (0 leo T Iont VE parkege 2130 STORE 141 151207

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英文 高中

請各位大大幫我看看有什麼可以改的 謝謝🙏

soon 16 years old. The teacher asked me front of every students and teachers legs started to tremble and my but what I said "It's the teacher smiled at life-changing speech, I practiced me as nervous not sound in The most embarrassing moment in to The most embarassing my On to calm down the was Stage speech, I heard my in to make a life happened mind is screaming anxiously. 2 my big day the day of me that I couldn't stand still moment. speech the basketball court my school. The moment I recieved this news, heart started to beat as fast as my honor, teacher. I'll do my me and walked be afraid, I tried to look well and tough away. every night in front of on as on the floor my To to my low as I an best." me prepare a mirror when I was making the speech, I was I had to sit and turn J can. . for the My dad told on my appearance, but the I nearly crawled my fast-beating heart. Finally, it's tried to keep my eyesight When I started my samile of my friend laughing quietly in their seat. I forget what I should What's worse, say. with in front of the I've only finished the line "Ladies and Gentleman' my trembling voice! My teacher noticed that I couldn't finish my speech, so she brought me down the stage. Nevertheless, I tripped and fell over principal. I blushed like I could keep the doctors away. Running to the classroom, I cried like a little baby my seat. This couldn't be more suitable to be the most embarrassing momene be the most embarrassing moment in my life. Tave as fast I regretted în it can, as SO as lay down "" on I could

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