


英文 高中

第25題答案是A 請問為什麼🙏謝謝!

(B) While crop circles were first discovered in the twentieth century, Stonehenge is a mystery 21 origin comes from ancient times. Stonehenge 22 two rings: one is inside the other. Some of the stones came from the local area; the others clearly did not. Scientists have long wondered how such huge stones were moved to the site where they are now. 23 enough, several crop circles were discovered in the surrounding areas. Is it a coincidence? Many have found 24 difficult to believe so. Because of 25 unexplainable mysteries as crop circles and Stonehenge, many people claim that there are intelligent life forms on other planets. ) 21. (A) which 22. (A) is consisted of 23. (A) Accidental 24. (A) them 25. (A) such (B) whose (B) consists of I (B) Amazing (B) themselves (B) so (C) that (C) made up of (C) Obviously (C) it (C) as (D) among which (D) is included (D) Interestingly (D) that (D) many (C) Alison was a beautiful, popular, and intelligent eleventh-grader. Unfortunately, one day her mother found a bald patch on Alison's scalp. They concluded that Alison 26 have pulled her hair back too tight in a ponytail. Yet, three months later, the once model-like girl was 27 alopecia, and nothing could be done about the disease. Eventually, 28 she went, Alison had to wear a baseball cap to cover all of the bald patches. With her family's encouragement, Alison decided to stop concealing her hairless head. She eventually 29 -2.

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