


英文 高中

想請問紅色括弧那句的意思是什麼 以及第一題怎麼判別

A Unit 1 8 Environment The Melting Ice Caps The world's ice is melting, and it is happening at an alarming speed, rate, 3 Global warming has been increasing at a very unsustainable² and the polar ice caps have been vanishing³ before our eyes. In the 55 years between 1961 and 2016, the Earth's total ice loss amounted to an estimated nine trillion³ tons. The start of the 21st century bore witness to several profound decreases in terms of the area covered annually by Arctic ice. The year 2012 was the lowest on record, while 2007, 2016, and 2019 were tied for second-lowest. 10 As the ice melts, an excessive amount of melted water emerges from it. This large amount of melted water manifests itself as a rise in sea levels. (This rise leads to the increased erosion -or wearing away- of the coast. When combined with the higher frequency of ecological" disasters¹2, it results in a bigger storm surge¹3. Climate change threatens¹4 15 to forever change the way we live. We're all destined ¹5 to be affected by it. Ver all destined 閱讀理解,請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 1 What does the word "erosion" refer to in the second paragraph? (A) The reason behind the frequent typhoons (B) The rapid increase in storm surges (e) The slow destruction of something 破壞 (D) The depressing future that we all face 2 Which of the charts below might indicate the situation described in the first paragraph? (A) (B) A (C) Arctic Ice Levels 1.||| 2007 2012 2016 2019 2020 Arctic Ice Levels 1₁ 1961 2007 2012 2016 2019 Arctic Ice Levels 1955 2006 2012 2016 2019 Arctic Ice Levels DWA dılı 2007 2012 2016 2019 2020

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英文 高中


... mer my friends III、綜合測驗:20% There are only a handful of underwater hotels around the world. These 16. guests to do what few people ever dream of doing: sleeping underwater. Fish, of course, do this all the time, but to humans the thought of 17... one's head on the seabed isn't very appealing. That's because mammals like us 18. have sufficient air to breathe. 19. _ ever wondered, therefore, how sea mammals, like whales, manage to get their beauty sleep? A number of 20. have attempted to answer this question. They seem to suggest that whales make use of an 21. sleep technique known as “logging." During "logging," whales are 22. to shut down just one half of their brains. This enables them to get some much-needed rest, and yet at the same time remain alert enough to regularly return to the surface of the water to breathe. 23. another sea creature that makes use of "logging" to survive is the dolphin. _ 24._ Whales, which can remain underwater for up to ninety minutes, dolphins need to breathe in fresh air above the surface every twenty minutes. Thus for them it's even more important to keep half their brains awake at all times. Logging helps them 25. this. At the end of the day, this is just another example of how human and animal sleep habits are different in strange yet wonderful ways. ( ) 16. (A) let (B) allow (C) make (D) have ( ) 17. (A) throwing (B) burying (C) laying (D) lying ( ) 18. (A) must (C) can (D) will ( ) 19. (A) Will you (B) Do you (C) Are you (D) Have you ( ) 20. (A) secrets (B) habits (C) studies (D) facts ( ) 21. (A) amazed (B) amazing (C) amaze (D) amazingly ( ) 22. (A) able (B) possible (C) capable (D) likely ( ) 23. (A) Just (B) SO (C) Also (D) Yet ( ) 24. (A) As (B) TO (C) With (D) Unlike ( ) 25. (A) achieving (B) achieve (C) be achieved (D) to achieving (B) may V. 文意選填:10%(請忽略大小寫) (A) in fact (B) however (C) amazing (D) standing (E) much Animals sleep in incredible ways. They don't need to lie in bed for hours like we do. Zebras an elephants, for example, can stay 26. while they sleep. This odd sleeping position sound uncomfortable, but it's 27. safer. Predators are always around to catch sleepy prey animals Elephants, therefore, are only away in dreamland for around 3.5 hours a day, Zebras are reported to slee even less. Giraffes, 28., sleep the least of any animal. An average of half an hour per day is usuall all they need to survive in the wild. 29. __, they hardly ever sleep for more than five minutes at a time That's simply 30. __! Can you imagine sleeping on your feet and for less than an hour a day? 6. 27. 28. 29. 30. . among Among Among fantasy novels, A song of favorite. my Ice and Fire is 在 入 267 A 面尚有試題) 6100182 Perguse

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英文 高中


In fact, IV. 文意選填 (20%) Jith ar (A) murdered (B) impressive (C) miserable t 13 D) illness a Ta (E) tragedies (F) turned out (G) explored (H) prove (1) turned into relation The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is one of the most famous horror films in the history of film. It was first released in Germany in 1920, and it marked the beginning of a new style of film-making. The film began with a man named Francis sitting in a garden and telling the story of Dr. Caligari. In the story, Dr. Caligari traveled around with a man called Cesare, who could tell the future. The two had a close 26 Cesare was under Dr. Caligari's control, and he would do whatever Caligari asked him to do. Francis described how his friend, Alan, was 27 the day after Cesare had said that Alan would die by morning. In fact, Cesare had killed Alan. Later on, Cesare was again sent to kill Francis's girlfriend Jane, but he was chased away by her family. During his escape, Cesare was so tired that he fell off a cliff and died. Francis thought that Dr. Caligari was the one who had planned all these 28. In order to find out the truth and 29 H that he was right about this, he went to the mental hospital to look up some records. Surprisingly, there he found Dr. Caligari was the director of the hospital. When Dr. Caligari heard about Cesare's death, he went mad. He became one of the 30 patients in his hospital. 系人. Once Francis finished telling the story, the camera moved back to the very first that Francis was, in reality, in the garden of the mental hospital. Dr. Caligari 31 Francis's doctor as well as the director of the hospital. What's more, he, Jane, and Cesare were patients in the hospital who had suffered serious mental 32. It 33 that the whole story was Francis's fantasy. The main idea of "madness" is 34 throughout the film. Because so many viewers found the story both surprising and 35 B the film became a huge success all over the world, 26 28. 29. 30. fantasy 28 31. 32 33. 34. 任 poor and scene and showed 頂托 2 27. 35.

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0 22 plants or people. Trained dogs can find almost quicker 了han we can. They can even detect diseases just our best friends. They often are our lifesaverst anything we need them to. This makes them _玉 26. 2 一 26 全218293 Y. 篇章結構 : 9% (A) But the value of service dogs goes beyond just safety. (B) But imstead of barking, hearing dogs get their owners' attention by gently touching them- (C) Guide dogs help 也em walk upstairs, cross busy roads, and avoid bumping into things, Dogs are often called “man?”s best friend,”but did you know that a gowing number ofpeople rely on dogs to help fhem through teir everyday life? Known as service dogs, these dogs have been specially frained to help people with disabilities.- For people who are blind, a guide dog is akind of service dog that is trained to lead them so they can The human?s role is to give orders, while the dog's role is to keep their move around safely. _了7 owner Safe, even 註仙is means not following dangerous orders. Another type of service dog is a hearing dog. These dogs help deaf people know when there are 2 GOnGe specific sounds, such as a ringing phone, aknock at the door, or even the crying ofababy. fieir owners notice 所em, 也ey will lead them to 也e source ofthe sound- y taking notice of the environmemt for Both of 了ese types of service dogs keep their owners safe b 33. Since living With disabilities can be a lonety s the independence to live 包em, The two of them act as 也eir eyes and ears. can serve as loving assistants, While glving their oOWner experience, Service dogs aflland meaningful life at 了he same time. 8 人 39 和 33. YIL 混合題 : 1% How Do Seents Trigger~* Emotion and Memory? fafamous quote from /qn7ef by William Indeed, the power %@f 加上 When it comes to scents 9 herbs*, you may think o s for remermbrance; pIay, love, remember. osermgarv. 也at 全1

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