
答えは「I can do to help」 です。
help to do で(〜するのを手伝う)という意味なので、
I can help to do でも当てはまると思ったのですが、間違いである理由がしりたいです。

hine noftrails baided a fal Teamwork nola ad tibes people add "How's it going?" is what I usually ask my students when we begin our classes. The response is mostly pretty neutral. "Not bad, thanks." But in the last few months, two students from two different classes have answered with "Really good!" ( To bind all aid junds s Their very positive response to my question [1]( 21 ) ( ( 20 )( ) the best TOEIC score of their lives. When I congratulated them, they both said, "Thanks to you, Samantha!" I told them that it definitely wasn't just me. I only see them for two 19089 0 hours a week, so there's only so much [2] ( 1019istow amb dainod ( 22 )( )(23 )( 24 )( ) their English. In the courses my company provides, we focus on our students' SBA Istigi communication skills, not their TOEIC scores. [3] ( ) on test-taking techniques and time management. In a real-life situation, you get more than 30 seconds to read an email and answer questions about it. And in real life, you can )( ( 25 )( 26 ) ( ) ( ) ( 27 [4] ( do my best to give students opportunities to speak and to [5] ( ) information. In my classes, I ) ( 28)( ( 29 )( [1] (20,21) ①1 because 4 just gotten [2] (22,23) 1 help 4 do can. aquellado ② had ③ was ⑤ they CLE 0E) D jay @ om O 2 to 3 I (5 can (acc) [8]


"There is only so much I can do to help their English."を和訳すると、「彼らの英語を助けるために私にできることは限られています。」となります。
"There is only so much I can help to do their English."の場合だと、「彼らの英語をするために私が手伝うことができるのは限られています。」という文になって、「彼らの英語をする」と変な文になっちゃいますね!
