

ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


1 see 2 do 3 drink 13 fall 4 bring 14 fly 5 sing 15 take 6 make- 16 give 3b Grammar • Present perfect vs Present perfect continuous 1 Write the past participles of these verbs. * 11 arrive - 12 swim- • have been - have gone 3 Fill in the gaps with have/has been or have/ 1 has gone. * A: Is Patrick there? B: No, he supermarket. 2 A: David speaks Spanish very well. B: That's because he 1 to the 2 to Spain many times, 3 A: Can I talk to the kids? B: I'm afraid they aren't here. They 5 เค 7 catch 17 read to the park. 8 ring 18 hear 4 A: Where's Jack? 9 leave - 19 find B: He's not here. He 10 feed 20 come to his friend's house. 22 (just/come) (not/be) to Spain yet. (shop) 3 Jane all morning and now she's feeling tired. (live) 4 She in Ireland since 1999. 4 5 The author (write) 1 a lot of best-selling novels. They haven't booked their places at the camp already / yet. 6 (he/buy) 2 She has for / just come in. gifts for everyone? 3 Julie has yet / already gone to sleep. 7 Kim (win) 4 It hasn't rained just / for three weeks. two gold medals so far. 5 8 Peter (not/call) yet. Don't come in here! I've just / yet cleaned the floor! 9 (you/find) 10 the car keys? a table for Dad's birthday? (Peter/book) 6 He hasn't been to his grandparents' house already/since last summer. 7 Ed has lived in Russia for / since 1995. 8 11 12 How long in this company? WORKBOOK (you/wait) long? (John/work) Has Frank left yet / just? 9 I haven't talked to him since / for days. 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the present perfect continuous. * 1 Harry home. 2 We 6 A: Where do you want to go today? do B: Let's go to the zoo. We not long time. there for a • just - yet - already - since - for Circle the correct words. ✶ 5 A: Have you visited Rome? B: No, I haven't. But my sister there. She left a week ago.

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