

英語 高校生

英語苦手だけど頑張って解いてみました (12)は考えても分からなかったです💦 (12)-(20)の問題、答え合っていますか? もし間違えているところあれば解説が欲しいです

No. [C] 次の各組がほぼ同じ意味になるように、空所に適語を語ずつ入れなさい。」 (12) a. It is generally believed that he was innocent. b. He is generally believed ( (12) )()( (13) a. Tell him where to go. b. Tell him where ( ) ( ) go. (13) (14) a. If it were not for the sun, we could not live. b. ( ) the sun, we could not live. ) innocent. does he No (14) [D] 次の文の( )内に入る適切な語句を下から選びなさい。 (15) There is ( ) what will happen to us tomorrow. 1 no having told 2 no telling 3 not telling 4 not to tell (Ito hand wad(15) ) you to get a broader view of world. (16) A college education will ( 1 enable 2 let 3 make 4 take (16) not telling take [E] 次の文の( )内から適切な語句を選びなさい. (17) With the window (break, to break, breaking, broken), we could not keep the room warm.o dimoralizam vidizzo (17) breaking (18) No sooner (had she agreed, she had agreed, has she agreed, she has agreed) to marry him than she began to have serious doubts. (18) she had agreed (19) Take your coat (in a case it rains, in any case it would rain, in case that may rain, in case it rains). (19) in case that may rain (20) (How, What, Which, Why) with the wind and the rain, the game was spoiled. (20) How ( 1-H

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