


問5 本文には、実物の動物を見ることによって人々がより深く理解できることが3つ書かれています。それらを日本語で答えなさい。

問6 本文には、動物園での研究によって得られる知識や経験の例が3つ書かれています。それらを日本語で答えなさい。


第4問 次の英文を読んで、 設問に答えなさい。①~6は段落番号です。 黒体 6) のIn my view, (1)it_is perfectly possible for many species of animals living in gon.. ie parks to have a quality of life as high as, or higher than, in the wild. 'Animals in ood z0os get a varied and high-quality diet with all the supplements required. and anv 1pesses they might have will be treated.Their movement might be somewhat restricted. mt they have a safe environment in which to live, and they are spared bullying and social 神年 predators*2 or the irritation and pain of parasites or injuries. The average captive animal racism*1 by others of their kind. They do not suffer from the threat or stress of will have a greater life expectancy compared with its wild counterpart, and will not die of drought, of starvation or in the jaws of a predator. Alot of very nasty things happen to truly wild' animals that simply don't happen in good zoos, and to view a life that is 'free' as 術保者一 one that is automatically ‘good' is, I think, an error. Furthermore, zoos serve several key purposes. の Firstly, zoos aid conservation. Colossal numbers of species are becoming extinct across the world, and many more are increasingly threatened and therefore risk extinction. Moreover, some of these collapses have been sudden, dramatic and unexpected, or were simply discovered very late in the day. Aspecies protected in captivity can be bred up to provide a reservoir*3 population against a population crash or extinction in the wild. A good number of species only exist in captivity, with many ofthese livinginzoos. Stillmore only exist in the wildbecause they have been reintroduced from zoos, or have wild populations that have been1o0osted by captive bred animals Without (2these efforts there would be fewer species alive today. Although reintroduction successes are few and far between*4, the numbers are increasing, and the very fact that species have been saved or reintroduced as a result of captive breeding proves the value of such initiatives. ③ Zoos alsoprovide education. Many children and adults, especially those in cities, will never see a wild animal beyond a fox or pigeon. While it is true that television documentaries are becoming ever more detailed and impressive, and many natural history specimens are on display in museums, there really is nothing to compare with seeinga living creature in the flesh*5, hearing it, smelling it, watching what it does and having the time to absorb details. That alone will bring a greater understanding and perspective to many, and hopefully give them a greater appreciation for wildlife, conservation efforts and how they can contribute. ④ Inaddition to this, there isalsothe education that cantake place in Z0Osthrough signs, talks and presentations which directly communicate information to visitors about the animals they are seeing and their place in the world. This was an area where zoos used to be lacking, but they are now increasingly sophisticated in their communication and 8.
間 mtries, or send their animal keepers abroad to contribute their knowledge and skills to Lnose working in zoos and reserves, thereby helping to improve conditions and reintroductions all over the world. waureach*6 work. Many zooS aleo work diroctlv to educate conservation workers in other 6 Zoos also play a key role in research. If we are to save wild species and restore and repair ecosystems we need to know about how key species live, act and react. Being able to undertake research on animals in zoos where there is less risk and fewer variables means real changes can be efected*7 on wild populations. Finding out about, for éxample, thè oestrus*8 cycle of an animal or its breeding rate helps us manage wild populations. Procedures such as capturing and moving at-risk or dangerous individuals are bolstered*9 by knowledge gained in zoos aboutdoses for anaésthetics*10, and by experience in handling and transporting animals. This can makea real difference to conservation efforts and to the reduction of human-animal conflicts, and can provide a knowledge base for helping with the increasing threats of habitat destruction and other problems. しる。 In conclusion, considering the many ongoing global threats to the environment, it is hard for me to see zoos as anything other than essential to the long-term survival of numerous species. They are vital not just in terms of protecting animals, but as a means of learning about them to aid those still in the wild, as well as educating and informing the general population about these animals and their world so that they can assist or at least accept the need to be more environmentally conscious. Without them, the world would be, and would increasingly become, a much poorer place. i ods mi deze ylno vilgno yo bei0od 【出典】 Cambridge English IELTS 14, Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp.86-87. 09O 3 *1 ostracism: 排斥, 村八分 *2 predator:捕食者 *3 reservoir: たくわえ *4 few and far between: ごくまれな *5 in the flesh: 実物の *6 outreach: 働きかけ *7 effect: ~をもたらす *8 oestrus:発情期 *9 bolster: ~を支える, 促進する *10 anaesthetic: 麻酔 9T6 To s auoiga Twna es ste 10ed o en oe Noh god bas sa re obin d d idombe edtn ad onod bac! b omih dont iot omn eRon wOn 9 9-
問1 下線部 (1)についてその具体例を6つ、日本語で答えなさい。 問2 下線部(2)は具体的にはどういうことを言っているのか、 日本語で答えなさい。 問3 次のそれぞれの情報を含む段落を段落番号①~⑥で答えなさい。 ただし、 同じ数子を一 度以上用いてはいけません。 (1) how quickly animal species can die out (2) why it is preferable to study animals in captivity rather than in the wild (3) why animals in zoos may be healthier than those in the wild (4) two ways of learning about animals other than visiting them in zoos 問4 以下の(1D~(3)の問いに対する答えとして最も適切なものを、それぞれ1~5のうちか ら2つずつ選び、 番号で答えなさい。 (1) Which TWO of the following statements are (true according to the text? 1 The writer doesn't think that the freer a life is, the better it is. 2. There are some species in zoos which can no longer be found in the wild. (3, Wildlife documentaries on TV have resulted in increased numbers of zoo visitors. 4.Zoos have always excelled at transmitting information about animals to the public. 5. Animals are more likely to feel less stress when studied in zoos than in the wild. (2) Which TWO of the followings are stated about zoo staff in the text? 1. Some take part in television documentaries about animals. 2. Some travel to overseas locations to join teams in zoos. 3. Some get experience with species in the wild before taking up zoo jobs. (4, Some teach people wh0 are involved with conservation projects. 5. Some specialize in caring for species which are under threat. (3) Which TWO of the following beliefy about zoos does the writer mention in the text? 1. They can help children overcome their fear of wild animals. (2. They can increase public awareness of environmental issues. 3. They can provide employment for a range of professional people. 4/They can generate income to support wildlife conservation projects. 5. They canraise animals which can later be released into the wild. 10-
英語 至急 長文


