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請問這題,要怎麼看出題目的語氣 謝謝

二、題組:(25~42題) (一)請閱讀以下短文,並回答25~26題: 【甲】 曾子曰:「吾日三省吾身:為人謀而不忠乎?與朋友交而不信乎?傳不習乎?」 《論語·學而篇》 【乙】 班傑明·富蘭克林是美國傑出的政治家、科學家、思想家,被稱為「美國之父」 。少年時期的富蘭克林曾經去拜訪一位前輩。那時的他年輕氣盛,目空一切,抬頭挺 胸邁著大步,可是一進門,他的頭就狠狠地撞在門框上,疼得他說不出話來。那位前 輩這時才緩緩地走出來,看到富蘭克林這副樣子,認真的對他說:「很疼吧?一個人 要想平安無事地活在世上,就須時時刻刻記住低頭。」於是,回到家以後,富蘭克林 把這次拜訪得到的教導看成最大的收穫,並把它列在一生的生活準則之中, 。 富蘭克林有一個習慣,每天晚上都把一天的情形重新回想一遍。他發現自己有 13項很嚴重的缺點,下面是其中三項:浪費時間,為小事煩惱,和別人爭論衝突。 所以他一個禮拜選出一項缺點來搏鬥,然後把每一天的輸贏做成紀錄。在下個禮拜, 他另外挑出一個壞習慣,準備齊全,再接下去做另一場戰鬥。 25. 根據甲乙兩文,文中共同呈現的主旨為何? (A)學習是學無止境,不進則退 (B)心中要有忠於國家的核心價值 (C)找到一位知己,使他成為你最中肯的聲音 才能成大業者,無不把反省做為自己修養的重要手段 20. 乙文中,那位前輩對富蘭克林說:「很疼吧?一個人要想平安無事地活在世上,就 須時時刻刻記住低頭。」和下列何者所表達的語氣相同? (A)其恕乎!己所不欲,勿施於人 (B)記住,飯碗裡一粒米都不許剩 (C)我軍若進,中其計也,汝輩焉知 (D)入則無法家弼士,出則無敵國外患者,國恆亡 劉秀姆2 曾裕芬 1 國文10-9 請翻頁繼續作答

已解決 回答數: 2
英文 國中


C40. D D (40-43) king 40 Long time ago, on Pig Land, there was a king pig, who ruled hundreds of sheep. The and he could make the sheep do anything he wanted them to do at any time. For example, he made them clean his big castle, take care of his farms, and cook for his family and relatives and his soldiers every day. Sometimes he ordered them to make clothes in the middle of the night. Although the sheep worked very hard for the king, 41 Their houses were small and dirty. What's more, he gave them little to eat. Most of the sheep were thin and weak because they were hungry all the time. Since they had to work from day to night, they were all tired out and unhappy. One day, the king thought to himself. "I'm the king, but I can't make the sheep like me. They never smile in front of me. 42 they stay as far from me as possible. I must try my best to win their heart." The next day, the king had a very old sheep come to him. He said to the sheep, "They say you're the wisest sheep on my land. I don't know why no sheep likes me. What should I do?" The old sheep answered, "My dearest king, it's easy. you do it, they'll be more friendly to you." 43 If From then on, the king did not have the sheep work more than eight hours a day or late at night. He gave them bigger houses and better food. Little by little, the sheep began to love the king pig from the bottom of their heart. The king's land became one of the happiest countries in the world. (A) was kind (B) was very brave (C) had great power (D) knew the art of loving 41. (A) they thanked him deeply (B) they fought for better lives (C) the king lived a terrible life (D) the king did not treat them well 42. (A) In fact (B) Even so (C) However (D) At first 43. (A) Not all sheep are the same (B) Keep your eye on the sheep (C) Give the sheep a lesson, and they'll learn (D) Treat the sheep the way you'd like to be treated 1111 15 英語閱讀

尚未解決 回答數: 2