


英文 國中


同 革。呈點飯和 品全 Almost 糾 ofthe people around the World may think ot chicken WI most: 家 bout fhe city of Buffalo 水牛城) , but few people kKnoy was once oneo abou cities 和 America in了he 1950s. 人 Atthat time Buffalo was the center ofthe car-making industry Hm 人 lca 1 1 >causSe falo 1S heal made cars, 崗ey Sent those cars by faI gor Shilp. 一 es because 同 aa 4 上 欠 big cities in the st part ot America. Ih 還 from many blg inAmerlca at that tlm he richest citles making industrles, elop their oWT car before. Then Fewer job opportunities made it Jake and not too far away de Buffalo one EE car-making mmdustry ma However when other countries started to dev! making money from selling cars wasS not as easy aS ook for jobs im other cities- moved away from Buffalo to 1 even more difficult for people to live in Buffalo- falo. Students and te Luckily, there were still alot of famous schools in Buff _. They never gave up on this city! ortant in America im the 1980s. At that time, many scame to Buffalo and made Buffalo one of the most ,and achers when the Their chance cal from these schools 3. bioteeh industry became Imp world-famous biotech teacher important centers for the biotech industry m Amerlca. Even though Buffalo doesn t Jook as interesting as New York City now,_4. .So many old people move there to enjoy a slow-paced but happy life. 還 chicken wing 雞翅”industry 工業“develop 發展 opportunity 機會 biotech 生物科技_slow-paced 慢步調 的 晤 共計讓 1. (A) They sometimes sent cars by plane (B) It took longer to send cars from Buffalo (C) It was convenient for them to do so (D) They spent more money by doing so 2. (A 1 還: pse car-making factories Stil] paid workers 人 1 was much easier to find a job in Buffal 花 | a 點 My 說ae factories closed down Working In other countries sounded bett Me 3. (A) almost gave up finding j (B) kept thinki gjJobs at car-making f : 相還 ng about away to make the actories (D) had fr esSt in getting knowledge ab 1y great again 人 引 ouble living in the 人 Out cars Ong time 4. (A) the car-maki -makingi glIndustry has made the cityri 計 1 Ous hospitals and Be ar City so unds cool toth 人

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