


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

英検準1級ライティングの添削をお願いしたいです!何を書いているか全くわからなければ、言ってもらえると… あと、筆記試験90分の間でライティングを書かないといけないんですけど、本当にライティングが苦手で、少しでも短時間で良い文章を書くコツを教えてください!具体的に言えば、英文... 続きを読む

Write an essay on the given TOPIC. OUse TWO of the POINTS below to support your answer. Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion Suggested length: 120-150 words TOPIC or disagree: More companies will allow employees to work from 情報セキュグ 危ない disag Agree home in the future POINTS ●Information security Communication Recruitment Cost reduction I do 1 仕事の内容の 外部漏れの危険 1 not agree home in the future and I have two reasons to support Day 2 Day 3 ・直接コミュニケーションをとれない一誤解を招くおそれ (記録をしないと) 相手と商談や会議等の連絡をメールや コスト削減。 電話しないといけない手間がかかる。 Day that more companies will allow employees to work from 4 this opinion... on One of the reason is that employees cannot communicate on meet easily. They have to keep in touch with partner about importan things such as meetings the phone or e-mail, so they might take so much time to do this. Also, might make mistakes if they do not communicate on the phones or e-mail without s keep records of communication. Day they Another of the reason is that it companies might need to improve employees houses information security.. If do not do this, documents might be seen by companies many people such as employees' familys, and visitors to them, For these reasons abore, more companies will not allow employees to work from home if these problems are solved. total: 143 words Da 6

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

この文章の和訳を誰かしていただけないでしょうか😢 英語が苦手で、、、。よろしくお願いします!

19,20 Friday, Feb. 26, 2021 O French safety officials the 写真提供:ロイターアフ。 safety official 安全局合。 on Thursday gave green light to extend the lifetime of the FESSENHEI/ 35 eDF country's oldest nuclear power plants as it seeks to boost the share of renewable 再生可能エネ ルギー mix. renewables in its power の Nuclear energy currently provides nearly 70 10 French electricity, more than in OFrance, hoping to reduce that share to 50 percent by 2035 percent of any other country. obs91 910a8 ーa target pushed back from an earlier 2025 date the help of renewables, has been holding off from building with hold off 控える、見合わ せる new reactors. 15 The French nuclear safety authority(ASN) said the country's 32 plants with 900 megawatt capacity, built mostly in the 1980s, would be allowed to operate for another nuclear safety authority 原子力安全局 decade, taking their potential lifespan to 50 initially planned 40. 20 6 They will therefore not be decommissioned before the late years from the uohee) 活導大 2020s or even late 2030s, depending on their initial launch date. 6 The safety of French nuclear plants is checked every bse 01nla8 decade. s の ASN asked state-controlled electricity provider EDF, which EDF フランス電力 the country's nuclear plants, to undertake work to safeguard the stations' security. “The main target was to limit the consequences of accident, especially any serious accident involving the manages any necessary any meltdown of a reactor," ASN's deputy director-general Julien

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