

19,20 Friday, Feb. 26, 2021 O French safety officials the 写真提供:ロイターアフ。 safety official 安全局合。 on Thursday gave green light to extend the lifetime of the FESSENHEI/ 35 eDF country's oldest nuclear power plants as it seeks to boost the share of renewable 再生可能エネ ルギー mix. renewables in its power の Nuclear energy currently provides nearly 70 10 French electricity, more than in OFrance, hoping to reduce that share to 50 percent by 2035 percent of any other country. obs91 910a8 ーa target pushed back from an earlier 2025 date the help of renewables, has been holding off from building with hold off 控える、見合わ せる new reactors. 15 The French nuclear safety authority(ASN) said the country's 32 plants with 900 megawatt capacity, built mostly in the 1980s, would be allowed to operate for another nuclear safety authority 原子力安全局 decade, taking their potential lifespan to 50 initially planned 40. 20 6 They will therefore not be decommissioned before the late years from the uohee) 活導大 2020s or even late 2030s, depending on their initial launch date. 6 The safety of French nuclear plants is checked every bse 01nla8 decade. s の ASN asked state-controlled electricity provider EDF, which EDF フランス電力 the country's nuclear plants, to undertake work to safeguard the stations' security. “The main target was to limit the consequences of accident, especially any serious accident involving the manages any necessary any meltdown of a reactor," ASN's deputy director-general Julien
Collet told AFP. O Another objective was to improve the resistance of the plants to outside shocks including earthquakes, foods, extremely hot weather, or a fire in the reactor. 35 O Anti-nuclear campaigners have long demanded the closure of veteran nuclear power stations, and last year obtained the decommissoning of France's oldest plant at Fessenheim in the east of the country. シpnibso1 shtW Fessenheim エッセンハイ ム の“Active French nuclear power plants were built to operate コ 11 40 for 30 or 40 years. Beyond that, nuclear reactors enter an bns viumosl NGO Greenpeace NGO unknown ageing phase," said NGO Greenpeace, calling グリーンピースd o for more plants to be closed. @ ASN president Bernard Doroszczuk told the Ouest inodius visin slun d Ouest France ウエスト フランス(新聞の名前) France newspaper that there were still weak points in the 山 gnalebeob 5 Stations' security equipment, requiring vigilance, but that a ballno3-s b5 2A there had been improvements. W ors otisla silf biBUOT2 01 how yTsae9o yns Q While reading U 次に関して、記事を読んで分かったことをメモしてみましょう。 1. フランス原子力安全局及び関係者のコメント uniba91 slit シス局 とった 2. 反原子力団体及び関係者のコメント Crc alk pomts the Ouest nce 0S yheen vd yr 189um To 91eda oitt 9aubn or sgod 6on Headline の特徴3句読点の使用 ミ column 2y ods すでに述べたように、Headline では and, that といった接続詞が省略され、代わりにコンマ(,) が使われます。またコロン(:)、セミコロン(;)にも接続詞や一部の前置詞の代わりをする働きが あります。コロンは誰かの発言や補足説明、セミコロンは前半部分と後半部分が何らかのつながり を持っていることを示します。具体的には、前半の内容について後半でその理由を挙げて説明したり、 前半と後半の内容が対照的であることなどを意味します。 Task 次の3つの記事のHeadline にあるコロン(:)は何を表わしているか、考えてみましょう。 (1) Oxfam: 8 men as rich as half the world (2) Vegetable steel": Bamboo as ecologically-friendly building material (3) U.K. court: Richard I|I to be buried in Leicester



