
四角1 のところは何番の文章からわかったのかも教えて欲しいです!!!、自分でも理解したいので。。

<O) OTD での Se半 教科書 PDp.35-37 = 記の2 に @ N 6 という意味も gatomo Yuto NE 人 he Was nin の 員 8S bon jn Rhime in 1986. ② When 和 誤彼が 9 歳の 1S Dare nts divorced ③ 凶s mother SO oo rom morning 11 night 1n order to raise her three children ③ Hi5 notner bp of a famous soccer club in Ehime, but he failed. % Instead, he jonneq韻 | the soccer team at his junior high school. ⑤ However, the team did not practiee very hard。 ② Nagatomo often went to a video arcade With other members.。 ⑧ ⑩ne day, the soccer coach appeared at the video arcade amdl seolded alllof the members. 9 本e said to Nagatomo in a concerned volce 》 “Have you eVeエ thought of your mother? ⑩ Dont dsappoint her!" After (G) that, Nagatomo began to practice soccer very hard ーー
Mt 人OSS2 。 ーーニーーー (爾容の確認 っ N 人 次の内容が本文に合っていれば T, 違っていればFを( )内に書きましょう。 | 1) Nagatomo joined a junor youth team in hime. ( ) 2) Nagatomo has never been to a video arcade. ( ) 思3) The soccer coach scolded all of the members at the video arcade. (3各 岡 ( )内に入る適切な語を本文から抜き出して, 長友選手についての表を完成じ Nagatomo's parents ( ③⑤ ). Nagatomo tried to ( @ ) the junior youth team. Nagatomo often went to a (⑧ )(⑯⑨


