
(2)の問題の答えは「Why don't you come with me」なんですが「Why don't we go there」ではダメですか?お願いします🙇

4 高校生のハルカ (Haruka) がアメリカからの留学生のリサ (Lisa) と, 次のページの市立図 書館のウェブサイトを見ながら話をしています。 下の対話文を読んで, (1),(2)の問いに答えなさ い。 Haruka: Hi, Lisa. What are you doing? Lisa: Hi, Haruka. I'm looking at the website of Aoba City Library. Haruka: It is the biggest library in our city. of belg is I fuoy is woll 169 bi Lisa: Oh, really? Do you often go there? Haruka: Yes, I sometimes go there on weekends. misd) ( Lisa: Is it *open on Sunday, too?ool 929sql ni ( Haruka: 0 ). .sabi boog saved 2) a neo Boy De ad lliw ob t d t ta OA E Lisa: I see.00 ( ) 0-0 Haruka: I'll go to the library next Sunday. I want to borrow some books to do my homework. I have to write about the history of our city. I'm sure you can also enjoy reading books there. (②)ちさらに Lisa: That's good because it's difficult for me to read Japanese books.
Haruka: 9200sq mi now dood bimo Lisa: Sure. I'll go with you. I want to read books about this city. How many books can we borrow? And how long can we borrow the books for?lign instit violaid blow Juods 2xoodix) 06 91T I Haruka: We can borrow (3). Look. They show *short films every
エ watch another shol (2) 対話の流れに合うように、文中の H に入る適切な英文を,4語以上,8語以内で書きな さい。なお,符号(,.?! など)は, その前の語につけて書き, 語数には含まないものとします。 donul Tuo grind a '19 !ssbi boog is 'tedTrail 5下の文を読んで次のページの1)~(小)の問いに筴えなさい


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

後の返事を考えると、why don’t we go there together? にした方がより良いですね!


