

Who was the first scientist? It wasn't Isaac Newton. Today, it is generally acknowledged that Newton never thought of himself as a scientist. He couldn't, for the word didn't exist in was not only a scientist, but the greatest scientist who ever lived, yet (Newton his time. Newton thought of himself as a "philosopher," a word that (a)dates back to the ancient Greek thinkers and that comes from Greek words (b)meaning "lover of wisdom." There are different kinds of wisdom we might love, of course. Some philosophers are concerned chiefly with the wisdom derived from the study of the world about us and the manner of its workings. The world { c ℗ about 2 be 3 can 4 referred 5 to 6 us as "nature," from the Latin word meaning “birth." Nature, in other words, is everything that has been created or that has come into being. Philosophers who deal primarily with nature are, therefore, "natural philosophers." Newton thought of himself as a natural philosopher, and the sort of thing he studied was natural philosophy. Thus, when he wrote the book (d) he carefully described his three laws of motion and his theory of universal gravitation—the greatest scientific book ever written-he called it (in Latin) Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, which in English is The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. The Greek word for "natural" is physikos, which in English becomes physical. Natural philosophy might also be spoken of as "physical philosophy, which can be shortened to “physics.” on. Physics As natural philosophy grew and expanded, all kinds of special studies developed. People began to speak of chemistry, of geology, of physiology, and so was whatever was left over, so it didn't suit as a general overall word for natural philosophy. Yet you needed some such short word, for natural philosophy was a seven-syllable mouthful.
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✨ ベストアンサー ✨

Newton wrote the book. In this book, he(=Newton) described his(=Newton's) laws of motion.
--> Newton wrote the book [ {in which}=M {he}=S {described}=V {his three laws of motion}=O].
--> Newton wrote the book in which he described his three laws of motion.

Newton wrote the book. This book described his three laws of motion.
--> Newton wrote the book [ {that}=S {described}=V {his three laws of motion}=O].
--> Newton wrote the book that described his three laws of motion.

✖ Newton wrote the book [{that which}=??? he described his three laws of motion].
✖ Newton wrote the book that which he described his three laws of motion.

✅ When Newton wrote the book in which he described his three laws of motion, he called it(=the book) ...
✅ When Newton wrote the book that described his three laws of motion, he called it(=the book) ...
