

[4] Read the instructions and write a well-organized answer in English. (50 points) Virtual reality (VR)* refers to a high-quality simulation of reality created by a computer. Probably the most famous use for VR so far is gaming. But VR has also been used to improve society in various fields such as education, medicine, and engineering. Describe a single specific way that virtual reality can be used to improve society. Explain your idea in detail in about 100 English words. Notes: Virtual reality (VR)*: VR systems use special glasses that completely cover the user's eyes. These glasses show a very realistic picture of a world created by the computer. In addition, the systems can tell when the user moves their head, arms, and sometimes other body parts. So users can control the action by natural movement. Some systems even let users feel like they are touching things. Thus, VR systems can make users feel like they are really in another world. 〔答案〕 I suggest you to simulation with VR. For example, doctors can practice operation. I have the three reasons. First, VR's display is very real. So doctors can do as if real simulation. Second, every one can make simulation software. If you want add patients information to VR and study how to make software, you can make VR software to yourself. Third, medical professors can use VR simulation in lecture. If they do this, Students who want be surgeon in the future will reduce about operation's anxiety. In this way, VR have a lot of possibilities that useful of medical field. For these reasons, I suggest VR simulations.


