

Track 7 Water makes up three quarters of the surface of the earth. The world is, however, suffering from a water shortage. With so much water on the earth, how could this possibly happen? The answer is simple. Imagine that there were in total 100,000 bottles of water on the 5 earth. Only 2.5 percent is not salty; that is 2,500 bottles. Two thirds of that tiny amount is 42. frozen in *ice caps at the poles and in *glaciers in the high mountains. Most of the remaining third is ground water under the surface of the earth. Only 0.4 percent of the - is on the surface in lakes and rivers, in plants and animals, and in the air. Humans can use less than 70 percent of that, or 7 bottles out of 100,000 eine dispetc fresh water 10 bottles - - that 10 Lis 0.007 percent of the total amount! At the same time, the human population is growing rapidly, so there will be more people who
1 空所に適切な語句を入れ, 下線部 (1) の問いに対する答えとなる英文を完成しなさい。 Humans can only use 2 次の表は,地球上の水の総量を10万本のビンと仮定した場合の支 える真水の量を + 読解+解答時間25分 (of all the wate) on the earth.
設問の解説 1 『人類は地球上のすべての水のわずか0.007パーセ ント未満しか使うことができない。』 11.9~10 Humans can use less than 70 percent of that is 0.007 that, or 7 bottles out of 100,000 percent of the total amount! より 下線の部分を答 える。 問題文に of all the water on the earth とある ので. の部分を答えるのは不適切。 -


