

Unit 4 長文問題 もしも時間を戻せたら? 1 ) able to change the past? If you Do you ever wish you (1) had (2) that ability, maybe you would spend more time practicing soccer, learn the instrument that you always wanted to play, study harder for that big test, or try to save more money for the future. 2 What would you do if you had the ability to turn back the clock? This was a question which Mr. Woodall, a high school teacher in Philadelphia, asked his students. Mr. Woodall wanted to know what was important to his students but was pleasantly surprised to see the results. I think their answers will be very interesting to you, too. (3) 3 Mr. Woodall expected to see answers (which were connected to the own good of the students, but he was wrong. The majority of the answers (5)which he received from his students were for the good of others. 4 Targ ①関係 2157 (4) A very common answer he found was, “If I could turn back the clock, I would take back some things that I said to a friend." Apparently, many of the students regretted saying something (5) friends and wanted to change that. Surprisingly, close to 40% of the students answered this way. ) hurt their 5 Another common answer was about pets. "If I were able to turn back the clock, I would spend more time with my dog," or "(7)I would be nicer to my cat," were some common answers. Almost 25% of the students missed their pet very much and wanted to show more love. These pets included dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and other animals. 6 There were other answers about reading more books, studying harder, or eating less junk food. However, Mr. Woodall was quite impressed with his students and their concern for others. He decided to share all of the answers with his students, and the students enjoyed hearing the different answers. Mr. Woodall decided to try this activity with his students every year. By asking, he felt he would learn a lot about his students. tu P e g n t
思え 問 1 (1) ( (1) ( (6) 問2 い。 ), (5) ( 問5 ) (5) ( に適切な1語を入れなさい。 ) EVINHO 下線部 (2) は具体的にどのような能力ですか。 日本語で答えなさい。 問3 下線部(あ)~(う) の which のうち、 他と用法の異なるものを1つ選び, 記号で答えなさ 問4 下線部 (3) の内容を具体的に説明した次の文の( )に適切な日本語を入れなさい。 回答は ( 大部分は ( に結びつくものと予想していたが, だった。 下線部 (4), (6) を日本語に訳しなさい。 ) 問6 下線部 (7) の前に省略されている9語の英語を文中から抜き出しなさい。 問7 ■ウッダール先生の質問に対する次の回答を、数の多かったものから順に並べなさい。 1. 勉強に関すること。 2. 友達に関すること。 3. ペットに関すること。 )➡( 問8 問7の1. ~ 3. のうち, ウッダール先生の印象にいちばん残ったものはどれですか。番 号で答えなさい。 ) 問9 本文の内容と合うものを3つ選び、番号を○で囲みなさい。 1. Mr. Woodall asked his students a question to know what they were interested in. . Mr. Woodall didn't think many of his students regretted that they hurt their friends. . More than 25% of Mr. Woodall's students missed their pet. Mr. Woodall was impressed with his students because they had concern for others. Mr. Woodall's students didn't want to share their answers. Mr. Woodall decided to ask his students every year to learn a lot about them.


