

【4】 次の設問 (A), (B) に答えよ。 (配点 30> (A) 次の(1)~(6) の各英文には、下線部ア~エのいずれか1つに文法・語法に関して不 適切な あるいは文意を通らなくする箇所が含まれている。 その下線部の記号を記せ。 ア (1) It is estimated that the surface temperature of our planet has been risen by about half a degree Celsius, compared to a hundred years ago, and some scientists believe it's going to get warmer yet in the years to come. (2) In English-speaking cultures, children are often told to say "please" when asking for something. By so doing, they are more likely to be given イ permission than they do not. If they don't, their parents give them a hint, by asking them " What's the magic word?" Trying to forecast weather is incredibly complicated. Some scientists P believe that no matter how advanced science is, weather is impossible to イ predict it accurately, because there are too many random elements involved. (3) Inuits are a related group found in Alaska, and also in Canada and Greenland. They are thought to have spread into North America from Siberia many thousands years ago. In both the US and Britain these people are ウ often called Eskimos but the name Inuit is now preferred and is becoming more widely used. 5) The Cold War is a term for the political conflict between the capitalis countries of the West and the Communist countries of the East that begar 7 after World War II. Both sides had large military forces which were kep イ ready for war, and threatened at each other with nuclear weapons. I
(6) John Hancock was a leader of the American Revolution and was the first ア to sign the Declaration of Independence, on which he wrote his signature very large so that King George III could read it. Americans still refer any signature as a “John Hancock." _B) 次の(1)~(3) において、与えられた日本文の意味になるようにそれぞれ下のアー クの語句のうち余分な1つを除いた残りを並べ替えて空所を補い、英文を完成さ せよ。ただし、文頭に置かれる語も小文字のみで示してある。 解答は(a), (b),(c)に入るものの記号のみを解答欄に記入すること。 (1) 私たちが明日死んだら、子どもたちは頼れる相談相手を見つけられるのかな。 If we were to die tomorrow, ( ) ( a ) ( )(b)( (c) ( ) advice? could our children イ depend カ ア agreed held I for ク to turn Quy child you could find (2) 社長はアンがその会議の議長をすることを提案し、出席者は同意した。 The president proposed that ( ) ( a )( )(b)( (c) ( ), and カ present someone as is the digital native buy イ for ウ find キ to Ann the meeting those and those Ann held the meaning ■ 私たちの世代はデジタルネイティブという名前で知られています。 ( )(a)( )(b)( ) (c) ( ). known what is エ govevano ours Aur choir the x known エ chair generation = our 12 lettin is 95 ウ tu Present know エオ
駿台模試 英語


