

htu たんです 0 いてはど 2 # 2 P 49 ()内に入る適切な語を書きましょう。 1"( ) you ( 2 "What do you want to do today? Play a game?" “I ( movie ( ) play a game." P 57 ( )内の語句を並べ替えて、会話を完成させましょう。 1 "Where (held / the rock concert / was )?" "It was held in the concert hall." ) a cup of coffee?" "Yes, please." 2 "My house (being / painted / is) now." "When will it be finished?” )( 3 "Excuse me, cell phones (here/ used / be / cannot)." "I'm sorry." #P 6 7 4 "Her second novel (published / be /is/ to / going) soon." "I can't wait to read it." 5 "This song (played / been / at / has ) lots of weddings." "It is so romantic." 2 ( )内の語句を並べ替えて、 英文を完成させましょう。 1 It is (for us / important / study / to) history. With this knowledge, we can understand world news more deeply. 2 Kate got up at three (on TV / the soccer game / to / watch ). I missed the 4 Are you ) watch a 3 My parents (go / let / me / won't ) abroad. I want to be independent of them. serious? (allow / can't/I/ to /you) do such a terrible thing. 5 You have a toothache. You should (a dentist / check/have/ your teeth). game. 6 We are so grateful for all your help. We would (accept / like / this gift / to /you). 7 It was nice (of / say / "Thank you" / to /you) to your mother. I guess she's happy.
文はいかがで ム先生。 ませんね。 とうございます。 るべきか考えてい 夏 あのスピー 勝していませんで 準優勝だったんで すべきでした。 尽くしたと思いま を作文に書いて なかった) -に(した)) たい Function 回想する ・ 自省する "That's why you look so sleepy today." 1. “Saki's birthday party was a lot of fun." "You must have bad a good time there." 2. “I shouldn't have stayed up all night." 3. “How was your volunteer work?" "When I look back, it was a good experience." Tips! 自分のことについては 「後悔」 を、 相手や第三者のことについては「非難」を表す。 I should have come to school earlier today. 7 [ 1. “Did Tom really say that? He "I can't believe it either." [cannot/say] 2. “Hasn't she arrived yet? What happened?" "I don't know. She 2 ( 3. “Can Isee some photos of the game?" “I'm afraid we don't have any. We 4. She looks happy. Shel [must / have] Try it out! ]に与えられた語を適切な形に変えて、会話を完成させましょう。 prchnical college LEST Nets by then bute lex. に入る最も適切な語を考えましょう。 ) you ( pizze1qx3 Cpply for Were you late? 主張 feud emop of emsarb quoOV. 1. “( A) a cup of coffee?" "Yes, please."reary 2. “What do you want to do today? Play a game?" "I ( a movie (bludele uoy) play a game today. "of meth musin 主張 理由 例 BAO such a stupid thing." on seleten her train." [may/ miss] 逃した魚は大きい。 MEMO care wurker some." [should / take] einksin a good time with her old friends. UTA 2. What is something you shouldn't have done in the past? hex I shouldn't have quit piano lessons.. challenging/ bor film director automatem be attendant 3 ペアになって,次の質問をお互いに尋ね合いましょう。 追加の質問をして会話を続けてみよう。 fie pro pribor i 1. What is something you should have done in the past? opril pad of tnow I Dood nom bos alworla Inohandill amagsd T ex. I should have studied more before the exam. My score was terrible. forututerth not emeenb ins sver uoyod: A of trisw IzeY: 8 sriuov ob terW: A of ever 19 job Use it クラスメートに、いつかしてみたいことを3文で伝えてみましょう。 I'd like to visit the African Savanna someday. I'm interested in wild animals. I want to see wild lions for myself. C Lesson 5 watch at an English school a restaurant. weekend? 今週末は映画に行 Now? プラゴミ分 うん、やってるよ。 ぜひ見るべき ved) up late last night. snowed) in Kyushu. d) harder for the next ave gone) with you. your umbrella. 句を何回使ってもよい。 a ther quit it. he. させなさい。 A tch ] に。 e truth. [lie] 49 main. [ play] party. [me ce] [d]
しい店のこと んだって。 洋服のデザイン 流行の影響を ノラインでも売ら 今、新しいシャ の店でいくつか ルがあるよ。 に行こう。 いる〉 :) > Function 原因・影響を表す 1. "I waited for the bus for an hour." "I heard that the delay west heavy traffic." 2. "I was inspired by the story of his success." "So was I. It gave me a lot of courage." 3. Modern Japanese culture has been influenced by Western cultures. NUOSE Tips! 「私もです」 と相手に同調する表現 I'm inspired by Japanese animators. Try it out! 1 [ []内の語を適切な形に変えて、会話を完成させましょう。nload 1. "That picture is beautiful." "It was ( S noiz201qx3&igol a bassin Ad ton) by my brother." [draw]f baly 2. "Can I change these flights if our plans change?" wol adi is besingine saw I EM "Yes. They can ( ) (that plett) for free until one hour before departure." [change] NIS ATL 3. "I hope they find the missing cat, Mugi." "Don't worry. It will ( ) ( ex, What anime do you like? ball saw flautus pour sint redd fow I Use it IbnA ootasdi inaw 1 nodw yud yllsoy enw jI St 2( 内の語句を並べかえて, 会話を完成させましょう。 1. "Where (held / the rock concert / was)?" "It was held in the concert hall." 2. "My house (being / painted / is) now." "When will it be finished?" 3. "Excuse me, cell phones (here/ used / be / cannot)." "I'm sorry." 4. "Her second novel (published / be /is/ to / going) soon." "I can't wait to read it." 5. "This song (played / been / at /has) lots of weddings." "It is so romantic." ydad edT £ 説明 Convertie 3 ペアになって、次の質問をお互いに尋ね合いましょう。 追加の質問をして会話を続けてみよう。 1. What kinds of things are sold in a convenience store? Sandwiches and rice balls. 2. Who were you inspired by when you were a child? I was inspired by the Japanese soccer player Honda Keisuke. 主題 詳述 ① 詳述 ② 10 3 10 BUTT T1 Talon ローマは一日にして成らず。 ) soon." [find] 3. How many times have you been asked for directions by people from overseas? None. I have never been asked. Save A vig aaw yuM I Lesson 6 ei ed (tada) bisa ai al s doit rux, ad ot bina i a クラスメートと、お互いお薦めの小説を紹介し合っています。 題名と著者を含めて, 3 文で紹介してみましょう。 12 a CAFUSO ALE My favorite novel is Ryoma ga Yuku. It was written by Shiba Ryotaro. It is an exciting story about Sakamoto Ryoma at the end of the Edo period. プラゴミ weekend? 今週末は映画に now? うん、やってるよ。 ぜひ見る~ yed) up late last night e snowed) in Kyushu. ed) harder for the nex have gone) with you n) your umbrella. 句を何回使ってもよし rather quit it me. 57 させなさい。 A catch] のに。 the truth. [lie] rain. [play] he party. [me Face] end]


