


國文 國中


請閱讀以下圖文,並回答34~35題: 多比在做專題報告時,想要分析其他高中生對於回家作業的感受,因此做了 一份問卷,這份問卷最後共有110位高中生填答,下面【甲】圖表是問卷填答的 分析數據 【乙】文則是多比整理高中生提出的建議。 【甲】您覺得要完成回家作業對您的學習動力有何影響? (0分為「使學習毫無動力」,5分為「使學習非常有動力」) 110則回應 (人) 40 30 54 56 -37(33.6%)- 30(27.3%) 20 11(10%) 13(11.8%) 10 12(10.9%) 7(6.4%)- 0 1 2 3 4 5(分) 【乙】 這110 位高中生中的大多數人並於問卷最後,對於「回家作業」提出以下建議: 1. 教師能讓學生以自己想法呈現作業,例如:報告、心智圖… 2. 開放「自由選擇」的作業,讓學生更樂於寫作業。(83人提出) 3. 期待老師出的作業方向能讓學生進行跨學科研究。(81人提出) (85人提出) 4. 請讓學生在書寫回家作業時能訓練推論、思辨與論證能力(90人提出) 5. 請讓學生知道每一項回家作業的意義,不然重複練習會讓學生覺得此項作業沒 用處。(101人提出) *分析附註: 1. 在甲圖中,評分2分以下的人認為回家作業會使學習無動力,評分3分以上者則 認為回家作業可增加學習動力。 2. 提出建議的高中生中,評分2分以下者有45人提出建議,評分3分以上者則有48 人。 34. 根據甲圖表中的數據,下列哪一項推論較正確? (A)不到五成的學生認為回家作業對學習動力有促進成效 (B)約有四十三位高中生認為回家作業會使學習較無動力 (C)認為回家作業使學習非常有動力的學生多於使學習毫無動力者 50.9 49.1 (D)認為回家作業使學習無動力與增加學習動力的學生比例相差在2%以內 735. 多比和同組同學要根據這甲和乙文進行綜合分析,請問哪一項結論最切合甲圖和 乙文的內容? (A) 不論學習有無動力者,認為回家作業一律毫無用處,不用賦予意義 (B)不論學習動力高或低的學生都希望回家作業內容與型態能有所改變 (C)認為作業能增加學習動力的40人皆建議學生能自由選擇作業形式 (D)認為作業「會使學習較無動力」中有30人建議作業要訓練論證能力 13

尚未解決 回答數: 1
英文 國中


(39~41) 1 Magic Blade Does the water on the floor after taking a shower give you a headache? No worries anymore. With a Magic Blade in hand, you can easily sweep the water away and keep the floor dry and clean. No need to change to another pair of plastic slippers when you step into the bathroom. What's more, a dry floor is safer for old people at home. It is less likely for them to fall down in the bathroom. What are you waiting for? Pick up your smartphone and click the website below. We can send the Magic Blade to your look house in 2 days. Click here www.magicblade.com Magic Cleth Find a lot of hair on the floor? For a busy mother with daughters with long hair, it is not a good idea to sweep the floor every day. We know you are too tired of it. Now, here comes our Magic Cloth. You just need to put it on the floor and draw some circles on the floor. Now, all the hair is cleaned away with the Magic Cloth. If you have dogs or cats at home, the Magic Cloth is also useful for you. Take out your smartphone and make a call to us. We will send the Magic Cloth to you in 2 days. Twelve pieces of Magic Cloth in a box only cost you NT$99. Buy two boxes and get one box free. Magic Cloth: 02 2233-XXXXX 39. Who are the two ads mainly for? (A) Doctors. (C) Old people at home. 40 What does Magic Blade look like? (B) Housewives. (D) Cat lovers and dog lovers. □ mainly 主要地 (A) (B) (D) 41. What can we know from the two ads? (A) A Magic Blade is cheaper than three boxes of Magic Cloth. (B) Both of the Magic Blade and the Magic Cloth can be bought online. (C) You can get 20% off if you buy a Magic Blade and two boxes of Magic Cloth. (D) If you place an order for Magic Blade or Magic Cloth, you would get it in less than 3 days. 英語2-14

已解決 回答數: 1