


數學 國中

空白的部分都不會😢 求解🙏

(生次 o 敬語誤扣計 vae人和 文 2人 銜 Sa 吃 9 引曲 《A)x13 吧 BIO上司放 SEO (DB劑還 3.(]刀) 一長方形面積為 (0271322 二24) 下力戰(全史記生各諷 計生 2一?,則這個長方 了 長為號列何者4 (Z+ ) (iey(X/人0 (CA) 3十表 (B)2z汪02 Ga罰 (D) 6十2 呈 4.( ) 因式分解g十2二xD 2 的結果為下列何者? ACCe汪蝦只 (B) (x十2y十1) (x一2十1) (CC) (>一2) (x+y十1) (D) (x一2一1) (x呈少十1) 。 5.(歸) 若一13821139x140一4,則單列時信介大 的因數? ASO (BOD40N GO D 全 6 2)幸輪作多項式 62一六一1 除以4 的運算。所得的飾式旋2 1有有 為<的一次式, 品 列哪一式 ? AUOe CCBD3X_IUNCGD ZEN人全 計謂 7一) 因式分解一5十6x 的結果為下列何者 ? AG 9) COBDICG SOR呈 一加0) 記當ee (及生3 。 字 性 (八人 8.( ) 利用因式分解的觀念化簡2Z240 240 一> , 再來其值為何了 24028x240115 Co 全 2) 50 1 99 說二 (人 2 2呈 (2 尖衣 歡候多 下 9.( ) 因式分解 (x一/) (x一一1) 一2 的結果為下列何者? (A) (x一/二2) (x一一1) (B) (GO32 GO (GO 一2) (2 2011) (DS說時 10.(-和|) 若z一2是多項式 2十3x2一8x十的因式,則下列何者亦是此多項式的因式2 0 1 ILCf) 下列何者不為x4一10x2二9 的因式? : (A)x十9 (B)x十3 (C)x十1 (D)x一1。 12.(” ) 下列何者為 (x一y) ?一11 (y一xX) 十24 的因式 “”_(A)x一y一4 (8B)x一y一1 (CX YI 13.(// ) 因式分解9十3x一6 的結果為下列何者 (AA)3 (1) (2X 3) (DS還 (GO 3(YT1) (2 3) 1 4(U 若多項式 2十2x十k 可因式分/ CA)8 (B)-8 (C)2 ES ) 下列何者為 (2a十b) 2 (A)2a+b+4 (B Da0+

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英文 國中

不確定有沒有寫錯 求解 謝謝~~

人 轉 d gottena 和 CCEU This was not the first 計 2 for (go Ad yoz7e s2 /G7y/// hate message- fact, 了is 一一 時 another ICE | overa week. And then the pho ag ie | 同 計 OT message on her Facebook- No te | 2 ile she was try ! at you. You FAT gir! Whil ni 目 delete the message, moTIC messages 一 1 | 1 世 同 /felt rea ad al different numpers' Fv9m 由 店 behind her back. Cathy felt really sad and at her were not talking to her: They ]aughed 同 [品 one 六 和 也 ]ass. There SOIIIWAOnGIGQOInDUter left , 敬語DU 1 The next day, tt was time for herc AaWebsite, which was hen sh kk 店 the classroom。 so She turned 1t on and sawa ns 時 when She walke' 2 宮 but 2洁 ake her lool ) hy, ; called “hatecathy.com.” showed so many Photos 如 Ca Just then, another message ; ferrible。 What was worse, he website got more than 100 likes.、U age 隆 ir . Doyou enoy the website appeared on the screen of her phone, and it said 1T 國上0OU 效 e ared that she Tan out of the classroom at once esSt of the he didn tgo back to sehool tort Tmade for you? Hahaha! Cathy was so sc ded to call the police because she and didn't stop running until she got home. S week. After tfalking to her parents, Cathy deci couldn' Website 網站 stand any of this anymore. 名 umknown 不知名的 (B) will be (BO@ ]. (A) had been (D) has been (C) would be (B) is keeping coming @@@@ 2. (A) kept coming - (D)had kept coming (C) has kept comlng @@G@O 3. (A) they changed (B) they were changed (C) they are changed (D)it had been changed 4. (A) has watched (B) was watching (C) am watching (D) had watched

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