


英文 國中

) 3. Rose: Who's that man wearing a white jacket? Lisa: He's Dr. Wu's son. Rose: Really? They look (A) as (B) less ) 4. This restaurant sells the best steak in Taipei; you can't find (A) delicious (B) more delicious (C) the most delicious (D) deliciously ) 5. When Sean came to Taiwan several years ago, a famous cook in Taiwan. (A) any (B) few .) 6. I can't believe you ate the (A) last ) 7. Lucy looks (B) least in pants than in a dress. (A) pretty (B) prettily 8. Look at the picture. Nancy is (A) the tallest (C) taller than Winnie like brothers than father and son. (C) more (D) not (B) that vivo X80 ZEISS 2023/05/06 01:31 . 9. Simon is an interesting person. He gets excited (A) easy (B) easier (C) easily 0. The singer sings beautifully. I cannot think of anyone with a (A) best (B) better (C) more (C) prettier (C) little (D) most piece of pizza and didn't even leave one bite for me. (C) less (D) most (B) the shortest (D) shorter than George (C) which 85 【99-2-10】 people knew about him. But now he is 【98-2-12】 (C), which steak in the city. | 建議售價 120 元 | 702051937011 (D) the prettiest 句 配合課本 p.69 1. A: Which one is Harry's house? B: The one (A) who (B) that 2. Jenny is the girl (A) who (B) whom . I will show you the restaurant (A) what (B) when (C) which (D) where -.I will show you the restaurant I will have dinner with Jane tomorrow. (A) what (B) when (C) which (D) where On New Year's Eve, people can see beautiful fireworks around Taipei 101 building in Taiwan. (A) which I talked last night. She's quite lovely. (C) with what my father owns tomorrow. (D) easiest (D) most door is red. voice. George Michael Nancy Winnie 【100-1-19】 (D) whose (D) with whom (D) where 【98-1-11】 【95-1-3】 【94-1-1) 【93-2-9】 【93-2-4】 自學便利 影音解析 詳盡解析 真人: 題題詳解,分析。 100~111年共16回歷 is the tallest 試題收錄

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英文 國中

✔x√x ( ( ( ( ) 8. A: ( ( ) 9. A: (C) how many (B) how often ( ) 10. Jacky would like to bring that poor dog back home, but he isn't sure dogs. (A) how ( ) 11. Willy found (A) that ) 12. A-wei: This typhoon is so terrible! A-fen: Yes. I'm not sure (A) who 連綴動詞、感官動詞及使役動詞 配合課本 pp. 65-66 ( ) 1. The town looks (A) different ( ) 2. The weather is getting (A) coldly ( ) 3. I saw John (A) running () 4. I saw John and (A) walking ( ) 5. Your mother (-) 6. Julie > 8. It was an exciting moment for Mr. and Mrs. Wang to have a baby. (A) what ) 9. Susan: Do you know Walter: Oh, come on! I've only talked for thirty minutes! (A) how old (A) What (A) looks; look . vivo X80 2023/05/06 01:31 (B) when ZEISS (C) whether (D) why you have talked on the phone? Aren't you thirsty? (B) what (B) what (C) whether (D) which the novel (¹) he bought last week was under his bed (B) where (C) whether (D) which (B) cold (C) like cold after the school bus this morning. (B) to run (C) has run away immediately (). I didn't want to talk to him. (D) to running (C) walked (D) to walking a fifty-year-old woman. (B) walk young. She doesn't (B) looks like; look (C) looks; look like (D) looks like; look like hungry when she saw the delicious food on the table. (A) got (B) smelt (D) tasted ( ) 7. When did you come home? I didn't hear you (A) open (A) What ) 10. Tom felt shocked () when he heard me (A) shout (B) to shout [96-1-14) they learned that they were going we can still go fishing tomorrow. (C) which 80 (C) kept (D) how long now. It's modern and clean. (B) differently (C) more differently (D) the most different Put on your jacket before you go out. (D) snow (B) opened does the fruit look in this fruit stand? B: It looks fresh. (C) to open (3) Who (D) have opened does the little girl look like? B: Her mother, of course. (C) Where (B) Who (D) How (C) Where (D) How (C) shouted (D) whether the door. at the stranger. his mother likes 【95-1-15) (D) to shouting 【95-1-12】 [93-1-12] [92-2-18] ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) 2 會考題 ( ( ) ) ) 23 ) 22 ) 23. ) 1. ) 2. ) 3. C ) 4. I (

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