


英文 國中


(39~41) 1 Magic Blade Does the water on the floor after taking a shower give you a headache? No worries anymore. With a Magic Blade in hand, you can easily sweep the water away and keep the floor dry and clean. No need to change to another pair of plastic slippers when you step into the bathroom. What's more, a dry floor is safer for old people at home. It is less likely for them to fall down in the bathroom. What are you waiting for? Pick up your smartphone and click the website below. We can send the Magic Blade to your look house in 2 days. Click here www.magicblade.com Magic Cleth Find a lot of hair on the floor? For a busy mother with daughters with long hair, it is not a good idea to sweep the floor every day. We know you are too tired of it. Now, here comes our Magic Cloth. You just need to put it on the floor and draw some circles on the floor. Now, all the hair is cleaned away with the Magic Cloth. If you have dogs or cats at home, the Magic Cloth is also useful for you. Take out your smartphone and make a call to us. We will send the Magic Cloth to you in 2 days. Twelve pieces of Magic Cloth in a box only cost you NT$99. Buy two boxes and get one box free. Magic Cloth: 02 2233-XXXXX 39. Who are the two ads mainly for? (A) Doctors. (C) Old people at home. 40 What does Magic Blade look like? (B) Housewives. (D) Cat lovers and dog lovers. □ mainly 主要地 (A) (B) (D) 41. What can we know from the two ads? (A) A Magic Blade is cheaper than three boxes of Magic Cloth. (B) Both of the Magic Blade and the Magic Cloth can be bought online. (C) You can get 20% off if you buy a Magic Blade and two boxes of Magic Cloth. (D) If you place an order for Magic Blade or Magic Cloth, you would get it in less than 3 days. 英語2-14

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英文 國中


food value grass •People eat their meat. •People use wool to make clothes. trees • People eat their meat. • People drink their milk and turn it into cheese. (C) Their tails point the same way. (D) They usually live for over eight years. Long working hours are a problem in Taiwan. People in Taiwan often work longer hours than people in other countries. In fact, in 2017, working hours in Taiwan were the fourth longest in the world. To protect the workers, Taiwan decided to make some changes to the labor law in 2018. Here are some examples. 1. Workers need to have at least one day off every seven days. 2. The working hours on a work day can't be over eight hours; for every four hours, workers need to take a break for half an hour. Also, workers can't work more than 40 hours a week. 3. When workers need to work more than eight hours a day or 40 hours a week, companies need to pay them overtime for each hour. 4. Workers can't work more than 12 hours a day, and their overtime working hours can't be longer than 54 hours a month. g lifespan 壽命 wool綿羊毛 value 價值 tail 尾巴 (B) point 指向 1. Why did Taiwan change the labor law? (A) To protect companies' rights. (B) To have workers get enough rest. (C) To help people make more money. (D) To make workers' overtime pay lower. 2. Gabriel works eight hours a day. However, he came into the office at 9 a.m. yesterday, took two 30-minute breaks, and kept working until 8 p.m. How many hours does his company need to pay him for overtime? (A) Two. (B) Three. (C) Eight. (D) Eleven. (A) Who is NOT following the new labor law? (A) Rose worked for 55 hours last week. (B) Nathan only needs to work four days a week. (C) Linda worked overtime for 25 hours last month. (D) Sandy worked every day without any days off last month. g at least 至少 off 休假 overtime 加班(費) 一、依提示作答。(每題3分,共6分) 1. Selena is a terrible singer. (用sing改寫句子) Selena sings terribly, 2. Meg runs more slowly than all the other students in the class. (H) Meg runs the most slowly in the class 翻譯。(每題3分,共9分)

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英文 國中


30 201 (37-39) Below is some useful information about oil. Oil is called "black gold" for two reasons. * It is black when it comes out of the ground. * It can be sold for a lot of money. How much did a barrel of crude oil cost from 2000 to 2020? prices of a barrel of crude oil in US dollars 110 60 100 90 80 70 Hundreds of millions of years ago, plants and animals died. 15 10 0 10,43 201 28.2 They were kept in mud. 20.29 27.6 36.05 1.63 1.45 27 11.6 14:24 18.44 12.28 1960 1964 1973 1975 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 1998 2000 2004 2008 2011 2012 2016 2020 Where does crude oil come from? The mud was pushed down and down by other mud and rocks. 94.1 Canada 107.46 What are the disadvantages of using crude oil? Crude oil can't be used again. We may probably run out of it in the near future. Burning crude oil produces CO2, which plays a big part in global warming. Burning crude oil makes the air dirty. 109.45 40.76 That are the top five countries that produced crude oil in 2019? The world produced out 90 million barrels of crude oil a day in 2019. The following picture shows the top oil producing countries in that year and how many barrels of crude oil each duced every day. USA Saudi Arabia Russia China 41.47 The Earth's heat changed the dead plants and animals into oil. 10.81 million 10.5 million 5.23 million 4.86 million 18.61 million barrels per day barrels per day barrels per day barrels per day barrels per day gold barrel crude global produce B Which is a disadvantage of driving to work? (A) It is often faster. (B) It is another way of going to work. (C) It can be hard to find a parking space. (D) It can help you make good use of your time. 38. Which is NOT true about the prices of a barrel of crude oil from 2000 to 2020? (A) It cost the most in 2012. (B.Its price is the lowest in 2000. 6) Its price kept rising from 2003 to 2008. (D) The price in 2020 is lower than that in 2004. 39. What can we learn from the infographic? Oil is as expensive as gold. infographic (B) Most crude oil comes from land, not the sea. (C) In 2019, the USA produced about 20% of the world's crude oil. (D) Crude oil may sometimes make the sea water dirty. 14 請翻頁

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