


英文 國中


Tetstr 模擬題本(閱讀) 模擬測驗 Merasa 分 英語 科 科第2 【測驗範圍】第二冊 年 班 號姓名 請閱讀以下測驗作答說明 以下為錯誤的畫記方式,可能導致電腦無法正確判讀。如: ④D④D未將選項塗滿 ABCD—未將選項塗黑 (A) ⑥①—未擦拭乾淨 (A 塗出選項外 A ①—同時塗兩個選項 回 RASINDACO 能力等級 精熟囗A 基礎B 待加強 C 精熟(88~100) A+ 、測驗說明: 這是國中教育會考英語科閱讀模擬試題本,試題本採雙面印刷,共有41題選擇題,每題都只 有一個正確或最佳的答案。測驗時間共60分鐘。作答開始與結束請聽從監試委員的指示。 X80+ B+ 、注意事項: 1. 所有試題均為四選一的選擇題,答錯不倒扣。 2. 試題本分為單題和題組兩部分。 3. 部分試題中的單字或片語加註中文,以利參考。 4. 依試場規則規定,答案卡上不得書寫姓名座號,也不得作任何標記。故意汙損答案卡、 損壞試題本,或在答案卡上顯示自己身分者,該科考試不予計列等級。 作答方式: 請依照題意從四個選項中選出一個正確或最佳的答案,並用2B鉛筆在答案卡上相應的位置 畫記,請務必將選項塗黑、塗滿。如果需要修改答案,請使用橡皮擦擦拭乾淨,重新塗黑 CO 答案。例如答案為B,則將 Ⓡ選項塗黑、塗滿,即: 礎(40~87) B+ 000 □A++ B++ 四、能力等級加標示與答對題數對照表:(僅供參考) ◎本模擬題本參考台師大心測中心公布的「各科能力等級加標示與答對題數對照表」區分: 閱讀題答對題數 聽力題答對題數 【閱讀題+聽力題】計分方式:加權分數= 閱讀題總題數 聽力題總題數 基 能力等級 示 標 A++ A B++ B 「加權分數|98.05~100 95.15~98.04 90.24~95.14 81,49~90.23 68.8381.48 39.70~68.82| 答對題數 40~41 38~39 36~37 31~35 25-30 14~24 X20 TOTOBEN 待加強(0~39) C 0-39.69 0~13 請聽到鈴(鐘)聲後才翻頁作答

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( ) 12. Susan bought (A) many ) 13. I don't like any one of these three watches. Can you show me (A) the others (C) either ( (B) other ) 14. Jogging is the only exercise I enjoy. I find (A) all (B) few ( ) 15. Dino: Do you have any stamps? ( ( ( ( ( ) 18. Michelle Walden, Emma: Yes, just go to my desk. I put (B) others (A) ones (C) some ) 16. I haven't been to the movies these days. Are there any good (A) ones (B) others (C) them ) 17. Mrs. Luo: Who put these socks in the refrigerator? Mr. Luo: I don't know. They're not (A) me (B) mine bread in the supermarket, but she did not buy anything to drink. (B) some (C) any (D) one (C) many vivo X80 2023/05/06 01:31 . ZEISS (C) every (A) any (B) both (.) 23. This restaurant makes delicious chicken rice, so (B) others (D) another other kinds of exercise boring. 【103-29) (D) some Ask your son. (C) my (D) myself of the best basketball players in our school history, was called "Flying Walden" because she could jump very high. 【100-2-9】 (A) any (B) each (C) one ( ) 19. Elise: I need a dress for tomorrow's party, but I don't have one. Fiona: Why don't you try on my red one? I bought (A) it (B) one (C) ones today. in my pencil case in the second drawer. (D) those (A) it is (B) they are (C) there is ) 24. Cell phones are convenient; every person in my family has one? (C) the other last week. (D) them ( ) 20. On the way to work, Natasha was surprised to find she was wearing a white earring ( ) [99-2-6] on one ear and a gray earring on (A) another (B) the next ) 21. Beatrice loves to draw apples. You can see on her school bag! (A) one (B) others (C) them (D) which ( ) 22. I cannot understand why Steven bought so many watches but never wears (D) others 75 | 建議售價 120 元 | 702051937011 this week? (D) those (C) some (D) who 【105-8】 【104-7】 【103-特-8】 【101-14】 【100-2-18】 (D) the second in her notebooks, on her letters, and even 【99-2-3】 (A) it (B) one (C) them (D) those ) 25. Mike: I heard there are many monkeys in this mountain. But I didn't see any of them last time when I was here. Carl: Hope we can see (A) another 【100-1-17】 (D) themselves of them. always full of people at mealtime. (D) there are 【99-1-9】 【98-2-14] 【98-2-10】 [98-1-201 III 408 HO $

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=? by =ht 5. Ian has painted the bathroom walls white. (改為被動句) 整句式翻譯(每題 6 分,共 30 分) 被要求借她的數學習作跟筆記給 Ryan.(asked) 2. Oliver 在那座農場被一隻母牛踢到。 3. A:我聽到你們在課堂上拍手與歡呼。你們那時在做什麼? B:我們在聽我們的老師講一個刺激的故事。 1. Anna ( 建議售價 12 | 70205193 4. 那位足球教練要那些選手們一天跑六英里減肥。(made) 5. 那男孩被那個鬼故事嚇得要死。 四、克漏字測驗(每題 3 分,共 15 分) Robert is my best friend. We have known each other for many years. Next Saturday is his birthday. Though he didn't ask me to do anything for him, I still went to the department store to buy him a present yesterday. I spent about an hour 1. around in the store, and I didn't find_2. special. So, I decided 3. a break and have lunch first. I walked into a coffee shop and ordered something 4. .After lunch, to eat. Then I saw a few mugs on the counter. They were on sale, and they looked 5. "Best Friends Forever!" on it. It is not an expensive present, but I think it is I bought the mug the right one for Robert. I hope that he will like it. ) 1. (A) looked ) 2. (A) thing ) 3. (A) taking ( ) 4. (A) beautiful ) 5. (A) of vivo X80 ZEISS 2023/05/0601:30 (B) to look (B) nothing (B) to take (B) like good (B) about (C) look (C) anything (C) of taking (C) well (C) for 69 山 mig 馬克杯 counter 櫃檯 (D) looking (D) any one (D) and took (D) beautifully (D) with

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主题:如何聰明理財。 文法:瑞雪名詞子句、動名牌和不定詞。 1. 九年級 英語 (六) 下學期 範圍:第3課 3 看圖寫單字:4分(每題1分) 2. 3. 6. He plans do it. Loug (od suno JAUME ( ) 3. 英語 (六) 第 5 次平時考 (s) (m) 二、文意字彙:10分(每題2分) 11 jurk e 1. Linda sent a p took a trip in the U.S.A. pr IDIUME 2. Please write your name in the b space at the bottom of the page. 3. Miss Lin m D to n es her time well, she never goes to work late. 4. You need to put the letter in an e before sending it. 5. Look at the b (D) Kocbe d and read the sentence. CUMA 三、填空(填入適當的動詞形式):7分(每題1分) 1. The boys practiced (play) basketball every ang pabb) (not go) out next weekend. Uus I kap day before the game.on pa po 2. He is so tired that he decided this evening. 3. Did Jeff finish PI d (do) his math homework? 4. It is fun for Allenscoug 80-to (play) the violin. 5. She kept PLSS 5. It's fun Requitan (A) To be are (C) To be ; is 年 7. (get) up early is good for you. 四、文法選擇:16分(每題2分) fit if int (II(12 ( ) 1. Having ice cream on a hot summer day bounting one of Hank's favorite things. (A) is (B) bemo(C) are h a good husband (t) () 2. My mother wants me TV too often. (A) don't watch (B) not watch (C) doesn't watch (D) not to watch INF d to herself when she (paint) all day because she loves to puc bisa combaTOL BUWAR ST (visit) his grandfather and uncle la jou ONE (A) prepared dinner for 10 people (B) study with foreign students (C) played tennis in the gym (D) to learn English 2023/05/06 01:26 ( ) 4. She enjoys wig bin kids, so she hopes po elementary school teacher in the future. (A) teach; to be Kacpo (C) teaching; to be por usa you, I not easy. (B) Be is (D) Being are (D) an om k (B) to teach to be (D) teaching being an ( ( 精 等級評鑑(答對題數) B+36~40題 B+ 28~35噸口 B 16-27 A++48-49 A+ 45~47號口 A 41~44號口 ) 6. The two girls keep ( ) 7. I don't know 基 their English is very good. (A) to do a good job (B) practicing speaking English (C) finding a good job (D) to practice talking in English (A) where Bella lives (C) Bella lives where ) 8. Can you tell me ? (A) who is the girl in red (B) where does she live K適康版B卷英語(六)5-1 BRIAN LIRIDO now. 五、挑錯並改正:6分(每題2分) (GGL) in Mrs. Wang's class, so (C) how old are you (D) how many times he has been there 0 (B) where lives Bella (D) where Bella lived 1. I can't decide whether should I be a (A) (B) (C) lawyer or an art teacher. (D) 2. What can Frank do? 得分 2. Choose a school is like making new (A) (B) (C) friends. You'll never know what will happen. (D) 六、看圖回答問題:6分(每題2分) [1. 12. 13. 3. Alice Would you like to go shopping (A) (B) (C) 1. What is Betty doing in the yard? Rick Yes, I would like to going. (D) 3. What did Dick buy yesterday? 七、依提示作答:9分(每題3分) 1. Washing your hands before meals is important. (用It開頭改寫句子) 2. Why did John make the same mistake again? (用I want to know... 改寫句子) 3. He shared his skills with others. A keep t 【請翻至背面繼續作

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英文 國中


9 2108 Bunun DAL jo y w S M uu un IN Os 31 3 10 6.95 CINGO TAL •ung 1 can may 42-4 英語科 第 4 次複習考 93 82 L1-2 、單題:請依文意選出一個正確或最佳的答案。 (1~5題每題2分,6~15期每週3分,共40) () 1 Peter in the evening. (A) watches TV ( plays soccer (C) does exercises D uses computer () 2 There is little rain this summer, so the water problem now. ( facing D) working 3 There was something wrong with my took me to the dentist. (B) ear A tooth (C) eye (D) leg () 4. Which is your favorite running or football? (B) tricks (D) sports we are (A) playing (C) saving A things (C) stories () & Does the washing machine (A) save () 6 Ken. every day. (A) does (B) be () 7. Many people think () 14 1 three times a week. (A) always () 9. The girl (A) have EST TW ? I can't turn it on. (B) play (C) change (D) work play the piano very well. He practices it day. It gives you power to start a new day. (A) breakfast (B) lunch (D) menu (C) dinner () & My brother is late for school. He is late at least so my mom (C) do (D) can is the most important meal in a (C) seldom (D) never (B) often a lot of make-up on her face. (B) has (D) is WWW MAREMUDAN A 1922 m A 20 on 20111014 (B) does (D) hasn't be late, so don't wait for me. (C) is having () 10 Sam won't go to the party tonight because he is with his work. (C) tired (D) thick (A) hungry (B) poor son. He is eleven. His brother Mike is. () 11 Ted is my nine and his sister is five. (A) only (B) first ( ) 12 John, Kate's brother, (A) speaking (C) speaks () 13 My wife can cook, but she (A) can't (C) doesn't (C) very (D) small both French and German. (B) speak (D) spoke She seldom cooks. (A) need (B) may (D) have to (C) should () 15 It's time for the first class. Tim isn't here. He comes late. (A) never (B) already (C) always (D) enough 二、題組:請依所附的短文或圖表,選出一個最適當的答案。 (每題3分,共60分) (16~20) Felicia is a housewife. She 16 get up early and prepares breakfast for her family. Then, she drives her children. to school. After that, she goes back home to do the housework. 17. She cleans the living room, kitchen, and tidies the bedroom. In the afternoon, she goes to college and has some () 16 (A) have (C) have to () 17 ( children. (C) kid's ( 18 ) there have (C) there are () 19 (A) this (C) these () 20 A never (C) seldom English lessons. Then, she picks up the children from school and makes dinner. It's hard work, but 18 some good things. After her husband, Abel, comes back, he looks after the children. until they go to bed. During 19 hours, Felicia 20 goes shopping or sees a movie with her best friend, Nina. She enjoys these free hours. (21-23) 100 el 6 3 6 M 22 M ) 21. What is a tragedy? (B) has (Di has to (B) children's (D) child's (1) there has (D there is 《背面有試題 4-1》 (D) an (B) ever (D) usually 40 (A) A bad experience. (B) A difficult dish to make. (C) An easy thing to do. (D) A favorite kind of food. () 22 Which is true about the reading? Eddie invited his friends to his tasting party last Saturday. He worked hard in the kitchen and tried baking the cookies several times. However, it was a tragedy from the beginning. First, only two of his friends came. Eddie invited twenty! All the others were either sick or busy. As soon as Cindy and Mandy arrived, it started to rain heavily. Eddie set the party in the yard. When he hurried to take the food and drinks in, he fell off the stairs and hurt his knees. He felt bad about losing face in front of the girls. Then the girls tried some of his cookies. They made a face and said the cookies were INTERESTING! Eddie didn't understand how cookies could taste interesting. He tried one himself and knew right away. His chocolate cookies were not sweet. They were salty. He mistook salt for sugar. salty 7-120 college N Peo (A) Many of Eddie's friends came to his party. (B) Eddie had an outdoor tasting party last Sunday. (C) Cindy and Mandy didn't like Eddie's cookies. (D) Eddie put too much sugar, so his cookies tasted strange. 23 Why did the girls say Eddie's cookies were interesting? (A) The cookies looked interesting. (B) The cookies tasted yummy. (C) They wanted to have more of his cookies. (D) They didn't want Eddie to feel hurt.

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英文 國中


請考生依指示 填寫准考證末兩碼 107學年國中教育會考模擬測驗 英語科閱讀題本(九年級 /1~4冊) 請不要翻到次頁! 讀完本頁的說明,聽從監試委員的指示才開始作答! ※請先確認你的答案卡、准考證與座位號碼是否一致無誤。 請閱讀以下測驗作答說明: 測驗說明: 這是國中教育會考模擬測驗英語科閱讀題本,題本採雙面印刷,共11頁,有41 題選擇題,每題都只有一個正確或最佳的答案。測驗時間從10:30到11:30, 共60分鐘。作答開始與結束請聽從監試委員的指示。 注意事項: 1. 所有試題均為四選一的選擇題,答錯不倒扣。 2. 題本分為單題題組兩部分。 3. 部分試題中的單字或片語加註中文,以利參考。 4.依試場規則規定,答案卡上不得書寫姓名座號,也不得作任何標記。故。 污損答案卡、損壞試題本,或在答案卡上顯示身分者,該科考試不予計 等級。 作答方式: 請依照題意從四個選項中選出一個正確或最佳的答案,並用2B鉛筆在答案 上相應的位置畫記,請務必將選項塗黑、塗滿。如果需要修改答案,請使 橡皮擦擦拭乾淨,重新塗黑答案。例如答案為B,則將選項塗黑、塗滿 即: 以下為錯誤的畫記方式,可能導致電腦無法正確判讀。如: 一未將選項塗滿 一未將選項塗黑 一未擦拭乾淨 D—塗出選項外 (A. C A C A © C 同法论正相:「石

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英文 國中

英文 國二 填空 求解

1日 1 fil DETECTIVE'ALIBI The police believe that this man took part in a robbery in London last weekend. He tells them that he was not in London at the weekend. His alibi is that he was in Scotland. Atay (8932 W. H. SMITH AND SONS HEATHROW AIRPORT BRANCH FILE 341 00.75 Magazines 00.20 00.50 4-6.93 8932 BRITISH AIRWAYS T 01.45/ ODEON CINEMA O EDINBURGH STALLS £5.00 LONDON TRANSPORT UNDERGROUND HEATHROW AIRPORT £1.30 7430921 4.6.9313 vvv Bag CUMBERLAND HOTEL /4393 20 Princes Street Edinburgh 476/93 5128 LATEST SINGLE EDINBURGH 085 4212 57431 British Airways ANDERSON/B.M.R 4/6193 4-6.93 FROM LONDON YE/W BA 612 4/6 18.55 EDINBURGH £82.00 TO FARE GUESIMC B. Anderson f60.50 LONDON 6400 ROOM No. 351 NIGHTS 2 4740 AV KINGS CROSS 6 JUNE 93 FIP 68140 SUNDRIES ZEE te VAT INCLUDED MACDUFF'S BOAT. HIRES hall day 17.20 UST. ANDREWS EDINBURGH SCOTLAND TAJ MAHAL RESTAURANT 4/6/93 Meal 16-20 Drinks 3-40 79.60 SERVICE NOT INCLUDED HEATHERXSELF- DRIVE CARS LTD Depostt/ Bedeset. 56/93 40.00 paid by cheque. Name of Customer Anderson 140/00 ENGLAND LONDON WHAT'S HIS ALIBI? HEATHROW Look at the tickets and receipts. Then, fill in the missing words. Heathrow Airport V ..some ch On Friday travelled by tube to at the airport. I then..... .to. ..on a British Airways flight. .........Vi.dinner at the W..restaurant in Edinburgh. After dinner ... .a film at the Odeon Cinema. My ticket...... .£.. On Saturday morning ........ .at the Cumberland Hotel in Room................h va va deposit of ...a car and ..to St. Andrews. I..... V.fishing. In the evening .... V ..to Edinburgh. On £............ In the afternoon I...... Sunday morning .... the 10.55. ..to London. I..... .back in London at 17.05. Use these verbs: hire cost fly have arrive drive travel See return buy stay catch pay go © Colin Granger and John Plumb 1993 59 4OTOCOPIABLE

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