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74 黑檢請書 語文領域×生活圖表題 格格不入的紅貓 Rosie Unit 32 Rosie, the Red Cat Posi Sandra wrote a book report about Rosie, the Red Cat. Name: Sandra Date: November 11th Book Report Book: Rosie, the Red Cat Where does the story take place? In a small cat town. What happened in the story of the book? Though Rosie is the only daughter in the Black family, she has not been treated well since she was born. This is because Written by: Elsa Young Who is in this book? Mr. Black a fifty-year-old black cat, who has two sons and a daughter proud of his sons, who are as black as him disgusted with his daughter because she has nothing in common with him values boys more than girls Mrs. Black she is different from her family a forty-five-year-old black cat, who is a in many ways. For example, she sometimes plays in the mud with dogs and gets dirty, which makes her parents very angry. What's more, she doesn't drink milk as her brothers do. Tea is her favorite. Rosie feels troubled because her family is indifferent to her. When she feels down, she sings. She believes that if she keeps singing, something good might happen. The story ends with a song written by Rosie. It becomes a hit in the cat world. What I think of the story... housewife *seldom sides with her daughter or speaks for her because she is afraid of her husband *unhappy and silent Charcoal * a twenty-year-old black cat, who loves sports and is good at catching mice *strong and healthy Ebony *a nineteen-year-old black cat, who is his father's favorite *smart and handsome Rosie 290字|建議作答4.5分 1. What 字證 (A) Un (B) PL (C) S (D) W A 2. Wh (A) an eighteen-year-old red cat, who loves dancing with mice and makes friends with dogs *has a beautiful voice *often made fun of by her brothers I feel sad about the way Rosie's family treats her. Family should love each other. 3 indifferent 冷漠的 value 評價 silent 安靜的 細節 UP L 【細節 推論 B 19/11

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英文 國中


What did Rothwell think of the trip? WS Frank Roth dream 169 wo Frank Rothwell, from Oldham, the UK, hit the news in February, 2021. In that year, he becam the oldest person to row 3,000 miles by himself across the Atlantic Ocean. The following are some interesting facts about Rothwell and the trip. * He made it because he spent 18 months training before the trip. * He was proud of himself for not giving up. * He was excited to finish the trip. Why? He cared about Alzheimer's disease, and he wanted to raise money for the research of the terrible disease. Because of the trip, he successfully raised more than £640,000. What? He rowed his boat, "Never Too Old," by himself across the Atlantic Ocean. Who? Frank Rothwell born in 1950 a businessman 領域 He carried his own food and supplies through the trip, making his boat very heavy. 教育 When? He started his trip on December 12, 2020 and crossed the finish line on February 6, 2021. Where? He started from the Canary Island, rowed across the Atlantic Ocean, and then reached Antigua. supply 補給品 36 Which is NOT talked about in the reading? (A) What Frank Rothwell does. (C) How far Frank Rothwell's trip across the Atlantic Ocean was. (D) Why Frank Rothwell wanted to help raise money for the disease. 37. What can we learn about Frank Rothwell's trip from the reading? (A) He started it at the age of 70. 511 (C) He finished it with the help of others. 38. What can we infer from the reading? (A) Frank Rothwell's training before the trip helped a lot. (B) Frank Rothwell sailed across the Atlantic Ocean several times. (C) Not many people in the world take a trip like Frank Rothwell's. (D) Frank Rothwell wanted to set a good example for his kids. 72 Alzheimer's disease T research (B) Where Frank Rothwell is from. Heari ✓(B) It took him more than two months. (D) Something sad happened during the trip. infer 推論

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英文 國中


綜合 領域 A Different Life 生命 X 教育 ▶252 words Ken Smith, who comes from Derbyshire, England, lives a life quite different from that of all the other modern people. For the past forty years, he has lived all by himself in a hand-made cabin by a lake in the Highlands, England. The nearest road from the cabin is about a two-hour walk away. Because Ken's cabin is in a remote place, he lives without gas, electricity, or running water. He eats the fish he catches from the lake, and he grows his own vegetables. There is no bathroom in his cabin, so he takes a bath or washes his clothes in an old bath outside. 38. but he never wants to get away for a change. Why did this 74-year-old man choose to live a life like this? It has to do with something terrible that happened to him when he was 26. One night when he was out, he was attacked by a group of bad guys. He was hurt so seriously that he had to stay in hospital for weeks. Because of this, 39. And that is why he has lived in nature all himself since then. In 2019, Ken got very sick and was sent to move to town for better care, but he did not want to. He $t. wishes they could do it but nobody ever does," he said. What do you think of Ken's life story? 搶先試試看 (38A He is often hungry 推論 (B) He is tired of his life It is sometimes noisy there (D) Life there is difficult and lonely A) 39 (A) he wanted to fight for himself 推論 推論 cabin 40. (A) changed his mind Bhis life has changed for the better (C) his world took a life changing ture."他的世界發生番天覆地的變化(這人為功擊, Dhe wanted to get the help he needed PFL以高雄群所居) (B) enjoyed his new life (C) went back to his cabin (D) did not know what to do with his life Fort William. Then he was asked to 40. "It's a nice life. Everybody 39 remote electricity attack 1111

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英文 國中

請教第38題 D選項不是在強調新的方法嗎可是文章中好像沒有提到有新的方法😿

此题考 細節」 先閱讀 項, 中找出 畫出來 申述是 合唱 答案 -4 O 歡此是 境 PE 导 時事新聞 素養搶鮮試 "NFT," the Next Big Thing in the Digital World 科技 領域 雖然 If you are interested in artwork, you may hear of NFTs. Although) NFTs have been around since 2014, they become a popular way to buy and sell digital artwork now. And after the first-ever NFT artwork called "Everydays: The First 5,000 Days" was sold for $69.4 million, (NFTs have world of digital art. quickly swept through 41 37. [There has long been a problem for artists to make digital works of art (because they can be (a)" copied easily. And this makes it hard for the artists to sell their works. However, NFTs can help fix the problem. NFTs stand for non-fungible tokens. An NFT uses the technology of blockchain to 科技 make something that is one of a kind in the digital world. But unlike a painting, which can be placed in the owner's home, an NFT is a digital certificate saying you own the artwork. While 2 - 地方 there may be many copies of the painting in the world, only the person who buys the NFT gets the certificate. Only he has it. Nobody else in the world can have it. 37. It's not just art that's being sold with NFTs. Some bands are making music with NFTs. Besides, NFTs can be anything like drawings, photos, and videos. Many people believe that NFTs will be the next big thing in the digital world. digital 數位的 non-fungible tokens 非同質化代幣 blockchain 區塊鏈 certificate 憑證 搶先試試看 (V) 36. What does this mean in the reading? 指涉 科技 教育 A) Everyone can make works of art with NFTs. (B) The painting can be put in the owner's home. (C) People can make copies of the digital art. because they. (D) The digital art can be bought and sold on the Internet. (2) 37 Below are the writer's points in the reading: a. What makes NFTs special. 細節 c. Different kinds of works made with NFTs. (A) Business Daily → C In what order does the writer talk about his points? a c→b. Music World (B) b-c-a. (C) bac. 38. On which website did Nina most likely find the information above? (B) The House 推論 X + www.businessdaily.com/expensivepainting Where is the most expensive painting in the world? No one in the art world knows for sure where the painting is. However, it is believed... X X + www.musicworld/digitalmusic.com 藍ntend們可以製藝術品,讓artists 很難動作 easily」(附製藝術品很容易 How to make digital music? Linda Ryan is coming to teach you how to make digital music. Check it out here... 228 words Z. b. The problem digital art has. The Future X (D) c→ b→ a. likely 可能 → C www.thehouse.com/newhome Will NFTs change how we buy our house? ANFTs change the way we own works of art; however, it won't change how we buy our house... www.thefuture/newwaytomakedigitalart D X A new way to make digital art NFTS are the new ways to make digital art. People use it to sell art online... X

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英文 國中


* word count: (1~3)難易度為中) 【跨領域閱讀】 Cupid, the god of love, uses his bows and arrows to make people fall in love. Most people think Cupid is a cute little boy, but he, the son of Venus, is in facta handsome young god Cupid and Psyche, a famous old story, tells about the love between Cupid and Psyche. Psyche is a very beautiful woman who Venus, the goddess of love, is jealous of. Venus aske Cupid to do something bad to Psyche. However, Cupid does not do what he has been told to. He falls in love with Psyche the moment he sees her. ) Cupid and Psyche then become husband and wife. However, because Cupid is a god, Psyche cannot see him during the day. He visits her only at night. Though Cupid tells EF Psyche not to be curious about what he looks like, Psyche does not obey. One night she lights a lamp when Cupid is lying next to her. This breaks Cupid's heart, so he leaves her sadly without a word. Psyche loves her husband so much that she looks for him everywhere. She asks a lot of gods and goddesses for help, but no one wants to help her. At last, she goes to Venus. Venus tells her that she will help her only if she can finish doing some things that are both dangerous and difficult. To win Cupid's love back, Psyche gives it her best try. At the end of the story, Psyche is in big trouble. Touched by his wife's love for him, Cupid comes and saves her. They live happily ever after. god 神 arrow 箭 goddess 女神 jealous 嫉妒的 curious 好奇的 (D B 1. What is the best title of the story? (A) Venus and Psyche (C) Venus and Cupid title 標題 (B) Cupid and His Love Story (D) The Love of the God and the Goddes BCD C 2. What does obey mean? (A) To ask someone else to finish something. (B) To do what one wants to. (C) To do what one is told to do. (D) To ask someone for help. BCD A 3. What can we learn about Cupid and Psyche? (A) Though Psyche tries hard, Cupid does not come back to her. (B) Venus loves Psyche as much as Cupid does. (C) Venus is a kind and friendly goddess. tefek pics (D) Psyche pays the price for being too curious.

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