


英文 國中


片:republica / ica/Flickr 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 53 單字例句》CD/MP3 S4 慢速 MP3 94 平常的 Hebocon isn't your usual robotics contest. Its name the word “contest.” Its aim is to find the crappiest robot. comes from "heboi," a Japanese word for "crappy," and People don't have to be skillfulf in robotics to be in Hebocon. They use simple things to make their robots. toys, dishes, and even snacks. During the contest, the The parts can be anything they have at home, such as robots fight in matches. They try to push each other out of a ring.* It's furns to watch because the robots do some things. Some of them can hardly move, and others inove around like crazy That's the best part humorous because the robots make everyone happy. That's what Hebocon is about ABC ◎重點單字 o 1. usual [ jujual ] adj. 慣常的;平常的 Let's meet at our usual coffee shop. 我們在我們平常去的那間咖啡店碰面吧。 o 2. skillful [`skilfal] adj. 有技巧的 The boss chose Janet because she was the ○為1200字為2000字 most skillful. 老闆選了珍妮特是因為她的技能最好。 o 3. snack [ snæk] n.點心 My favorite snack is popcorn. 我最喜歡的點心是爆米花。 ◎ 4. match [ mæt[] n.比賽 Doug did well in his first tennis match. 道格在他的首場網球比賽表現很好。 ◎ 5. humorous [ hjumaras ] adj. 幽默的;好笑的 Bob didn't think the joke was humorous. 鮑伯不認為那個笑話好笑。 06. hardly [hardli ] adv.幾乎不 I was so scared that I could hardly breathe. 我害怕到幾乎不能呼吸。 參考單字 ring[run] n.(摔角、拳擊等)場地 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 64 頁 ◎ 學習焦點 1. such as 1500 用於舉例的情況。 解 圖片:Thomas Amberg / Flickr • I can't have certain kinds of food, such as nuts and cheese. 某些種類的食物我不能吃,例如堅果和起司。 2. V. + like crazy 瘋狂地(做某事) like crazy 意指「瘋狂地;猛烈地」,為口語用法。 • Steve eats like crazy when he's hungry. 史提肚子餓時吃東西都是狼吞虎嚥。 3. That's what (sth) is all about. 那正是(某事)的核心、重點。 隨堂測驗・選擇題 I love spending time with friends and by family. That's what life is all about, isn't it? 我喜歡花時間和朋友、家人相處,那才是人生的意 義,不是嗎? What is the point of Hebocon? Bao Fighting robots are the funniest to watch. ® Anyone can make robots. Crappy robots are not welcome. ② Robotics is only for skillful people. 進階閱讀

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英文 國中

急~~ 可以幫我看看哪題有錯嗎?感謝

iked to Sit ln front ot theIV 中, 1 When Yuzuru Hany [還aUGICS in ice-skatine 讓 Wi -famou bu 3 | to watch World-4 Bi his as icult for him to breathe while he was 他 and wanted to prac ice lt Sa 3 severy day. | exereising, so he could practtce at most two hours every 時 點 共 Howevery practicing only two hours 8 day wasnt enough for him. 5 as jumping 0H the ice though he didn't feel well and damaged his house 人 nd he sometimes kept s country ke of Marc alarge number 0f mueh as possSible, a thquake hit hl One day, when he 同 on the ice, an ear badly. That day waS the day ofthe Great East Japan Because of the earthqual ople in ied, and uses and families. yu felt sad at thattime,and he even thought GI difficult for hi pared for important competitions day and night. ng him ke thousands of pe' people lost their hoi Yuzuru Han about quitting practicing ice-Skating- m to forget ice-Skatling, so he started practicing again and prel Even though Yuzuru Hanyu doesntw Practice hard and dance beautifully on the ice mal he bright side when life doesn'tturm out the in first place in every competition Watch kes his fans happy- He also__4. them way they Want. And that's th ountrles. ereaSon | ; tolook on ure skaters in Japan and otherc | fhat he could become one ofthe most popular fig breathe 呼吸earthquake 圍 figure skater 花式 選手asthma 氣喘 damage 損壞 “competition 競賽“reason 理由 人加洲人Na 人 (B) is having (D) will have ( | 生 人 (C) has @@@@ | 2 (A)ispracticing 由 (B) will practice 只 (C) practices | (D) was practicing 和 (3 (B@@(O@0 | 3 (A) was 謂 | 吧 汪 (B) be 上 由 (isS | 天 (D) will be |上 了 四3@@9 (wueamh 3 各 廊 (B) is teaching | | 編 | (0 is taught 同 (D) teaches 康野評量中心 |代 人 天畫人權!切指自翻印

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