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5 Judy: Hey, Jack. This is a wonderful party. Thanks for inviting me. Jack: Glad you could make it. Hey. Have you met any of the famous people so far? Judy: Uh, no. Who exactly? Jack: Well, there is Chris Shaker... They call him the “Shake” for short. Judy: Who in the world is he? Jack: He's the world-famous snake trainer. He's never met a snake he couldn't train to dance. Judy: Seriously? Where is he? Jack: Uh, he's the tall guy over there in the purple jacket and green pants. Perhaps he has a snake or two with him tonight. Judy: Huh? Jack: And then there is Alexandria, the Great. Judy: Alexandria... and great for what? Jack: You've never heard of her? She is the world's greatest boxer. I mean, world champion. She's the thin woman in the bright yellow dress and the tennis shoes. Judy: I thought you said famous people... like, like people we all know. I Jack: Well, there is Brad Pitt. Judy: Now, there's someone I know.... Hey, he is not THE Brad Pitt! Jack: Don't you think he looks so much like Brad Pitt? His real name is Sam Jones, the captain of the national yo-yo team. I'm sure he'd do a few tricks for you if you ask. Judy: Uh, no, thank you. I think I've had ENOUGH entertainment for one evening. @ exactly 精確地 boxer 拳擊手 champion 冠軍 captain 隊長 yo-yo 溜溜球 entertainment 娛樂 康軒會考題組應用題彙謂英語科 A B C D B 1. What can we learn about(Jack! (A) He only invited people Judy knew to the party. (B) He knew Chris Shaker because he trained snakes with him. (C) He didn't tell Judy who would be at the party. (D) He and Brad Pitt were invited to Judy's birthday party.

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