

まとめのテストG 明和放・必Ox The Amish keep ther fiends and hard, honest yi The Amish take care of ac oe TK Theee things are the most important to then When a farmers barn bums down。 the Amih em yhole barm in just one day 音0 っdo the same for non- mish neighbors in need orhelp 5 人 firmern gror tohacoo。 vegedables。 and nany other thnee nm ana eegs NTTm Amdh frme and they are important thinee The Am ae aa Por cooks。 Their pot pie and dhicken com onp are mens am oeer ne wona le Amish stay aay fom the outside world。 but they are vey mienay and nd 0T ronrme they dont Hike too many visitoms。 Bot rom are introdueed by a fend ol have a good time with them (慰) Amimh : アマン沙の人(キリスト教ロテスメタントの Tiain : 素村な power hme:送和 relign NO Per生還 bom down:失り落ちる innewdohー:ーが家人な ea tobacco : (植物としての) タバコ visitor :楽客 るメノ演が名鉛した一匠) honest : まっとうな Ns (9 下閑部①②の英文をそれぞれ日本文になおしなさい。 の ( @ ( (⑫) 下閑人の内容を表すものをアーエから1つ選びなさい。 ア give some help イ work for themselves ウ join together and burn a bamm 。 エ work bardandgetsomemoney (3)本文の内容と合う ものをアーカから2つ選びなさい。 St R twant to ue them. ア The Amish know about cars. but they do 1 SS イ The Amish take care of themeelves, and they are kipd oply to their Amish ftiends。 ウ You can say that the Amish live in a Yery noisy World 73


