

◎区切りごとに意味をとりながら、 音読しよう。 91 Tier) baworla olqooq .BWEH Jasions al Inorges to ove_ _____ The next example is Irish dance. // It is famous for the dancers' backgranarodi in Morave ods to Mojave gather tool ( quick steps. // 1 8 5 2 dancing 2 11... saunood ei jedT T& JedT TANENTLAIS 3 This dance dates back to the 16th century. // 4 In those days, / Ireland TOUL was a colony of England. // 6 People there were not allowed / to perform for gods / by iviton val slud eft,abrow 19dto nl their traditional music or dance. // 6 As a result, / Irish people quietly sang their songs / indoors / and created a new way of dancing. // In the dance, / 9m ei 9H an a leisure, they did not move their upper bodies. // They only moved their legs. // In the hula, / da 9 Thus, / when someone outside looked through the window, /the person ISLATUR Ne! 349 $MMS could not tell / if they were dancing. // 19v0oeib stasinummer 05 G 8291qx9 T GEO basterebau 10 Irish people tried to protect their tradition / by stamping their feet / to 入れよう。 resistance / against England at the time. // SiewsH Insions ni hoides 2 THEOX! their own music. // The dance shows Irish people's quiet / but strong (er) Soonebelgoog sipas edt bib vdW (I TIN LÀ ugumos sol beau gnione w W (S
ポイントを読み取ろう ⑤ People there were not allowed to perform their traditional music or dance. 解説主語は People there、動詞は allow O to do 「Oが~するのを許す」の受け身の形。 not で否定されている。wn to られている」とまとめて覚えておくとよい。 一 Question (1) 次の質問に英語で答えなさい。 Wagnionsbalsend ai elqmsxe jagl edTⓘ What country didn't allow the Irish people to perform their traditional qod qid music or dance? or England ninniqa head.asatough asvora gitsdoros Question (2) 人々は伝統的なダンスや音楽を禁止された結果、どうしたか。 日本語で答えなさい。 \\.Tutius 屋内で静かに歌を歌い、新しい踊りを生み出した ⑨ Thus, when someone outside looked through the tell if they were dancing. 解説主節はSVO (O=if節) の文。 このif節は名詞節で、「~かどうか」 という意味。 副詞節の 「もし~ならば」 と区別すること。 the per person could not tell if they were dancing とあるが、それはなぜか。日本語で 説明しなさい。 上半身を動かさず、足だけを動かしているかnnsbalsend ear of asged ved Tⓘ inseives ir ere a peaceful solution. ⑩ Irish people tried to protect their tradition by stamping their feet to their own Question bhow orlt bruо¹А eonsu Some nicmu meng music.文になっ We ...sang... VW's ar Janse 解説 to their own music の to は 「〜に合わせて」という意味。 epperte gatomsbisod に適切な語を入れて日本語の意味に合う英文を完成させなさい。 Question diguou私たちはピアノに合わせて歌いました。 lus edt chiv helpeange ats aponed ⓘ aved algoog\asonsb the window, the person could not agmis to the piano. Batarlexe bds angbi ish Balables PA
内容を確認しよう ① 次の質問に英語で答えよう。 1) What is Irish dance famous for? [12) What were the Irish people not allowed to do under the rule of England? W 3) What at was c 3) 16th century? characteristic of the new dance created by the Irish people in the ORBUOTOS (S TCHW) Tommy 2② ( )内に適切な英単語または数字を書き入れよう。 syretts.or 16th \\.noitasinummoo to AGWACJI Irish dance dates back to the (7 Breadcol] )<9X4<^ ) century. At that time, Ireland liqu was an English (1 in Myllcuberg the 1970), and performing traditional music or dance was [ilcubangl Taonginkgon an not allowed. Therefore, people created a dance in which dancers only moved their Ladrid S WOLL (ウ legs ) their ). They didn't move their upper bodies, so people outside wouldn't know if people inside were dancing. In this dance, people (I feet to the music, which showed their quiet but strong (resistance England. ) against NIGLOO) 9


✨ คำตอบที่ดีที่สุด ✨


Question (1) 〇
Question (2) 〇
⑨ 〇上半身を動かさず、足だけを動かしてい[る]から。→ ◎彼らは上半身を動かさず、足だけを動かしてい[た]から。
← ⑨の英文が過去形であることから、解答も過去形にする方が良いと思います。⑤のQuestion(2)と同じです。
⑩ 〇
1) It is famous for the dancers' quick steps.
2) They were not allowed to perform their tradition music or dance.
3) They didn't move their upper bodies and only moved their legs.
ア 〇  イ colony  ウ 〇  エ stamped  オ 〇


