

完了形 力試しプリント [A]空所に入れるのに, 適切なものを選びなさい。 (1) When the doctor called, Mr. Jones ( ①doesn't come hasn't conme ) home yet. のhadn't come のwouldn't come (日本大) (2) At the end of this year we ( Dare )together for 20 years! (白梅学園大) のwere 3will be ④will have been (3) The boy said he ( Ohas not seen ) no one. 2had seen 3had been seen saw (鹿児島大) (4) I hurried to the store, but it ( Ohas already closing Ohad already closed のhave already closed Ohave already closing (立正大) )there for 30 years. (5) By the time he left the company, he ( Oworks 2has worked3have worked ④had worked (東海大) (6) She ( Ohad known ②has known ③should know ④was knowing Dhim a long time before she finally married him. (立命館大) (7) The party had already started before we ( Darrive ②arrives ③arrived ④had arrived (亜細亜大) ) this work without your help. (8) By tomorrow morning, I( Ohave finished ②am finishing 3would be finished ④will have finished (東洋大) (9) My wife ( Ohad traveled ②has been traveling 3has traveled ④was traveled )in Europe many times before we went to France for our honeymoon. (近畿大) ) by the time you finish that huge bucket of popcorn. (10) The movie ( Dended 2had ended 3has ended ④will have ended (立教大) (10)



