

英語 高校生

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名古屋大・文系 English words in length (Indicate the number of words you have written at the end of your answer. Do not count punctuation such as compras or periods as words 1 200 donors and delivers blood products to those who need them. Figure A below By year the Japanese Red Cross Society collects blood from voluntary shows how the mambers of younger (between the ages 16 and 39) and older between the ages 40 and 69) blood donors have changed in Japan from 2000 to 2019, as well as how the number of all blood donors has changed for the nineteen-year period. Figure B shows the total amount of blood donated in Linear trend lines are shown in dotted lines. Japan from 2000 to 2019 7.000.000 6.000.000 5.000.000- 4.000.000 3.000.000 2.000.000 1.000.000 Figure A Age (1639 years) A Age (40-69 years) .... ● All donors B. 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2000 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 Years Amount of blood donated (liters) 2.000.000 2.000.000 1,500,000- 1.000.000- 500,000- Figure B QUESTIONS 2023 17 04 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 Years Adapted from: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000063233.html Write three 1. Describe what the Figure A show. trend lines in approximately 30 to 50 words. (Indicate the number of words you have written at the end of your answer Do not count punctuation such as commas or periods as words.) 2. Describe the trend depicted in Figure B. and explain how the amount of blood donated per donor has changed since 2000 by referring to both (Indicate the Figures A and B. Write approximately 30 to 50 words. Do not number of words you have written at the end of your answer. count punctuation such as commas or periods as words.)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


[2] The coronavirus has become a very big problem around the world. Because of this, handwashing with *soap has become very important. (A) Parents, teachers, and leaders are [7. their hands 1. a day I. to wash . everyone many times ]. Many telling famous people have made songs and videos about handwashing. Handwashing is important, but it is not easy for some people in the world. "Handwashing with soap is one of the cheapest and most effective things you can do," said a *director at *UNICEF. "It can protect you and others against coronavirus and other diseases." However, there are billions of people in the world who cannot (B) do this. UNICEF says that 40 percent of the world's people, ( C ) 3 *billion, do not have a handwashing place with water and soap at home. Also, 47 percent of schools do not have a place for handwashing, and 16 percent of healthcare centers do not have handwashing places for patients. Many people in developing countries are getting sick because they cannot wash their hands. Until now, UNICEF has taught people in developing countries the importance of handwashing. But even now, developing countries still need help. Japan and other countries should give help so that all people around the world can wash their hands. Notes: soap 石けん director 局長 UNICEF ユニセフ、国連児童基金 問 3 空所 (C)に入る適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び記号で答えなさい。 7. and 1. or .but I. for billion 10 億

解決済み 回答数: 1
理科 中学生

とても見えづらくてすみません 1番下の問題の過不足問題?と言うんですかね? 解き方を教えてください 塾で教えてもらったけどいまいちわかりませんでした 実力テストが迫ってるのでお願いします

LE 7A 鉄と硫黄を加熱したときの反応について調べるために, A班, B班に分かれて実験を 行った。下の ■内は,その実験の手順と結果である。 Hayne 手順③ A なっせ Fetf手順④ 24 12: 【手順】 1 A班,B班で,それぞれ鉄粉4.2gと硫黄2.4gを乳鉢でよ く混ぜ,それを試験管に入れる。 WOJS B班の試験管の口を脱脂綿で閉じて、図1のように混合物 の上部を加熱し, 混合物の上部が赤くなったら加熱をやめた が、その後も反応は続き、鉄と硫黄過不足なく反応した。 (3) A班とB班の試験管の物質にそれぞれ磁石を近づける。 問3 01 ④4) A班とB班の試験管の物質を少量ずつ別の試験管にとり、うすい塩酸を加える。 【結果】 A班 引きつけられた においのない気体が発生した 図1 鉄粉と 硫黄の 混合物 脱脂綿 「試験管 図2 Fest FC2 (Fe) +(5) 6X8/117 B班 引きつけられなかった 特有のにおいのある気体が発生した HIT ? Feet He B班の試験管で鉄と硫黄に起こった化学変化を化学反応式で表すとどうなるか。 解答 用紙の図2を完成させよ。 りゅうかつ えんさん LHcl OD (X)HC (Fes) Feclt HS すべているbyしゃくない 問2 下線部のように, 加熱をやめても反応は続いた。 この理由を簡潔に書け。 牛をぬっする 美熟反応が起きたため、発生した熱によって反応が続くか 下の内は、この実験についてまとめた内容の一部である。 文中の(ア), (イ)に, それぞれ適切な物質名を入れよ。 Samo (X) JA 93. WEW 鉄 MENTO 手順③の結果, A班の試験管で磁石に引きつけられた物質は, (ア)である。 手順 ④の結 果, B班の試験管から発生した気体は (イ) である。 硫化水素 かふろくんだい 「間/4 鉄粉3.5gと硫黄 2.6g を用いて同じ実験を行ったとき,手順②で,試験管で反応せずに FretHc い. その残った物質の物質名を書け。また、このとき反応せずに残った物質の質量は何gか。 6872.63 =

解決済み 回答数: 1