

英語 高校生

英語長文ポラリス2の文構造について質問です。写真のピンクの矢印の「But」は等位接続詞として解説してあるのですが、よくわかりません。 どの節や句と接続しているのでしょうか? (副詞として書かれていたなら、まだわかるのですが…)

2 1 There are indeed cases [where linguistic change can lead to problems V S of unintelligibility, ambiguity, and social division]. 和訳 言語が変化することで、 意味が通じなくなったり、あいまいになったり、社会が 分断されたりといった問題につながり得る場合も実際にある。 語句 linguistic 「言語の」、 ambiguity 「あいまいさ」、division 「分割」 If change is too rapid), there can be major communication problems, S V C V (as in contemporary Papua New Guinea ) S - a point [which needs to be considered (in connection with the field of language planning)]. |和訳 変化があまりに急激だと、言語政策について検討する必要がある時期にきてい る現在のパプアニューギニアのように、コミュニケーション上の大問題にもなり 得る。 語句 in connection with ~ 「~に関連して」 3 But (as a rule), the parts of language [which are changing (at any S given time)] are tiny, (in comparison to the vast, unchanging areas of language). VC 和訳 しかし概して、言語のうち、常時変化し続けている部分は、言語の広大な不変 の領域と比べれば極めて小さい。 語句 in comparison to ~ 「~と比較すると」 188 4 (Indeed), it is (because change is so infrequent) that it is so distinctive 強調構文 and noticeable. SV 和訳 実際、言語の変化がこれほど顕著で目立つのは、 それがごくまれにしか起こら ないからなのだ。 語句 infrequent 「めったに起こらない」、 distinctive 「特徴的な」 noticeable 「目 「立つ」

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

九州大学英語2019年の英作文の添削をお願いします🙇‍♀️ 大問4が要約と英作文、5が和文英訳です!🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

〔4〕 九州大-理系前期 Read the following newspaper article and follow the instructions below. (36) 16 2019年度 英語 in Engligi taul" According to the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Station, a 20-year-old female university student caused a traffic death. The student was riding on a power- She moved off from an assisted bicycle when the accident happened. intersection and started riding on the sidewalk. At that moment, a 77-year-old lady was walking on the sidewalk and moved toward the bicyclist. The student hit the lady. The collision caused the lady to fall and strike her head. She was transported to hospital, but died of her injuries two days later. At the time of the incident, the student was apparently holding a smartphone in her left hand and a drink in her right while steering the power- assisted bike. Moreover, she had an earphone in her left ear. Therefore, police arrested the student for breaking the new law and riding recklessly. Police are investigating whether the student noticed that the old lady was walking toward her. They suspect that she was not paying sufficient attention because she was operating her smartphone right up until the collision. Her court appearance date has not been decided yet. The Mainichi, December 16, 2017 Instructions: Write two well-developed paragraphs in English. In the first paragraph, summarize the main points of the newspaper article above in lo approximately 100 words. Use different vocabulary and sentence structure from the original passage as much as possible. In the second paragraph, write your opinion about what should be done to reduce accidents like this in approximately 50 words. hosidinlong unich lor, condadnoah

解決済み 回答数: 1